Friday, February 3, 2012

Moe-Moe's Miles

My best pal is a 13 year old Husky/Shepherd/Chow (?) mix.  That is a 'best guess', but I get a lot of feedback from people that think he must have some wolf in him as well.  Meet Moe-Moe.  He was a pound puppy rescue.  At the time I adopted him at 8-9 weeks of age, the shelter he came from was a high kill shelter.  Now, I am very happy to say, it is a no kill shelter!

Some really good 'sniffs' on his walk today
 I had rescued my previous and first dog from this same shelter years before.  She was an adult dog, brought in as a stray and her name was Honey.  She was quite the 'singer' and loved it when my friends and I would howl with her.  She would wedge herself down in between us and look at us from side to side as we all 'sang', Honey with her nose in the air, a perfect little 'o' shape on her mouth and the most beautiful 'OWWOOOOOOO-OOOOO-ooooooooo' you ever wanted to hear.  This was special bonding time for her and she seemed to get the biggest kick out of it.  She went everywhere with me and we enjoyed many happy years together before she went to that big playground in the sky.

Honey snuggled up to 'her' cat Buddy

I had sworn, 'no more dogs!' after I lost her, but within the same 24 hour period, I was already thinking the house felt so desperately wrong without a dog, I had to go back to the shelter.  For some reason I had gotten it in my head I wanted a female boxer.  No clue where that came from or even why, but I remember having that stuck in my head at the time.  I headed to the shelter the next day or so, and they actually had a full blooded female boxer there at that time.  She was available for adoption, but already had multiple 'holds' on her.  Having a 'hold' on an animal means that you have first claim on them, subject to the interview results, or if for any other reason you would choose not to adopt. If having failed the interview, the second 'hold' would be contacted and given the opportunity to be interviewed for adoption, and on down the line.  I thought she was quite cute, but didn't feel with all the 'holds' already on her that this would be a good choice so I continued to look at the other puppies.  All of a sudden, my eye was caught by this little roly-poly brown furball that was in a stall with several other pups.  I went over to investigate and found his card with his information on it, but there wasn't a lot to be had, a name was about it.  It showed his name was 'Moe'.  I couldn't believe how adorable this little fat guy was!  All the others were quite cute as well, but I didn't seem to take much notice of them.  I went to find out if I could take him out and play with him and was told they had a separate room just for that.

I went back to get 'Moe' and called him to 'come here Moe' without even thinking.  He did!  None of the others, just 'Moe' came to the side and jumped up for me to pick him up and cart him off to the little room for our special introduction.  We went in and played with toys and wrestled around and then I decided to try teaching him a few things.  I showed him 'sit' while simultaneously telling him to sit.  Within just one or two tries, he was responding to this command every time!  We did the same thing with 'stay' and 'come' and he picked these up within a moment or two.  I was so impressed by this little guy who was trying so hard to please me, he had hooked me for life.

I looked at his card again and saw that he did have a 'hold' on him as well and my heart sank.  I felt a miserable ache in the pit of my gut and was just at a loss as to what to do.  I had found my new best pal, this was my little guy and I needed him just as much as, if not more than, he needed me, and someone else was going to take him home.  I was starting to get quite upset.  I went to talk with the person that had helped me earlier and they said to give them all my contact information and if the people with the 'hold' on little 'Moe' did not make their appointment in the morning, he would call me.  He wasn't supposed to do this, as it wasn't the proper procedure, but he could see how distraught I was becoming and wanted to do something to encourage me.  With that, hanging my head and not feeling very hopeful, I headed home.

Here he is at the shelter on pick-up day!
Coming home!

A long, slow, and stressful night dragged by for me, I was just sure I had lost my little one, but at least he would be getting a good home.  The morning finally did arrive and when my phone rang, I about jumped out of my skin!  It was the shelter calling and the people were not there for their appointment and...'this was against the rules, but did I want to go ahead and come in at their time slot right now?'  Um.....YES!

Visiting at 'Grandma's' house his first day
I thought the name 'Moe' was so cute and it seemed just perfect for him, so we kept it.  He is now known as Moe, Moe-Moe, Moe-Mie, The Moe-Moe, The Moe-Mie, The Moe, 'Pesh' (as in 'special'), Bug, Itty-Bitty, and many other names, all of which he responds to and seems to know are his special names.

We've been together 13 years in March, he just turned 13 years old in January 2012 and is beginning to slow down.  But, aren't 13 dog years the equivalent to being about 90 something as a human?  He still loves his park and it is his favorite place to hang out in the whole world.  He still loves to go down to the lake and 'bite' and 'kill the water dead'!  And while his minutes per mile pace has slowed down considerably from an analytical perspective, he is still out there logging those miles and I will continue to let and encourage him to do so for as long as it is comfortable and pleasing to him.

The ride home after today's walk.  He is one pooped puppy!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I'm a maniac, maniac...

Group training for my next half marathon was a four mile run last night, which of course I didn’t choose to do, as I prefer my runs in the morning, or at the very least during a time when there is at least a modicum of daylight to be had.  Even the lure of free pizza which was to be our group snack was not enough to persuade me, so I opted to do my run today.  WOW!  So glad I did! The weather was amazing!  Beautiful, clear, sunny, and mild!  Dream running weather!  I had wanted to get out to the park and try running some, (if not all) of the 10k route for my miles.  This is a pretty hilly route and would be great strength training.

Today I decided to warm up by walking down to the actual run routes start sign.  I usually begin right where I park, but the run routes start with a gradual steady uphill climb.  I was going for the gusto today!  I started with an easy two miles, (mostly ha!) to which I was ‘getting down’ to the ‘Moves Like Mick Jagger’, (none of the moves of which I actually possess.)  Then at the third mile of the 10k route, there are some interesting and challenging hills.  These would require something with more of a kick, more motivation, more……’Maniac’ like.  This called for ‘Maniac’!  Over and over and over again, until I got through these hills.  It is the perfect beat for my pace.  I keep my feet hitting the pavement in perfect rhythm to the song at all times.  Going up the hills, I shorten my strides and coming down, I lengthen my strides and lean into it. 

Check out the picture of one of the long gradual climbs.  It is unbelievable how this can look so benign and feel so brutal!  I know just exactly where this incline begins to level out , but every single time I’m running this thing, I think the distance has increased and that it will truly never level out!

About a third of the way, up and off to the right is a speed limit sign, this is where it begins to level off.
See?  Doesn't look steep at all...but trust me.....

I was beginning to really feel zapped of strength and opted to get in my four miles today as opposed to the full 10k, so since I was only going to do four miles, I decided to turn around after completing the third mile and repeat the hills for the fourth mile.  Now, I’m a maniac, but only with my music.  Not in the sense that I love the climb up the hills, but oh how I do love knowing that after I get to the top….I get to run down!!  WEEEEEEEEEEE………! My absolute favorite!

What a great time!  And at the end of my fourth mile, I stopped to take a breather.  It was perfect timing to run into a park regular and we took a moment to rest and chat.  This gentleman is very thin and lean and is quite religious about getting in his walks.  He is out there rain or shine.  He was telling me how he was over 220 pounds when he started walking due to his past drinking and that he had been alcohol free for 12 years and that this was his 10th year anniversary of walking up here with his hands weights.  We discussed the benefits of the hills and added weight for strength and resistance training.  I personally prefer to just pack my extra weight in the trunk as opposed to carrying free weights!  And yes, while I am annoyed about the extra weight in the trunk, it truly is going to benefit my training.  I do get added strength and resistance training every single time I go out for a run, but the real perk is when I hit those hills!  Brutal as they may be, they will be helping me rebuild an even stronger foundation.

They got out again today!

We parted company and I headed back the two miles to the car.  This would make a nice route to do the fifth mile on for next week, as it has a challenging couple of hills as well, even walking.  I headed up to some picnic tables to take a break and get some pictures.  I KNOW!  I will get a pic of me running! Yeah, that’s what I’ll do!  Amazing how strong you feel after a moment’s rest.  I headed back out, started the Garmin and started piddling with the phone camera, (pace really reflected this!).   I think I’ll run back that last mile and a half, I feel great!  *snap*, maybe one more.  *snap*.  Put the phone up and get some running music on this IPod now!  Hey, look…there are a couple of people on bikes in fluorescent green riding jackets off in the distance.  Hey, look….they are all sparkly now…and fuzzy…and black and sparkly….

I'm sexy and I know it.....I work out....
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle....

I was completely out of readily available calories and had not even brought any water with me.  I had some back at the car, but that would not do me any good right now.  I really didn’t want to do the whole wobble, stumble, and graceful (not) plop down onto the pavement in a faint, so it was truly time to call it a day with the running.

I enjoyed singing and walking the rest of the way back to the car.  What a great day!

anyone else remember this?