Sunday, November 16, 2014

10K Training is in full swing!

After taking a few weeks off from a regimented training program, I decided it was time to get back to it.  Last week I hopped on my treadmill and started out with Day 1 of the 10K101 program.  This picks up right where the 5K101 training leaves off.  Warm up and cool down walks with run/walk intervals in between.  Day 1 started with eight minute tempo (these are faster) running interval reps.  I wasn't ready for it, bad day, out of condition already or what, I don't know, but I didn't complete it.  I hadn't planned to start until the end of the month anyway, this was just to feel things out.  I knew if I picked up here, I would sacrifice speed from the very start.  This was not how I wanted to train for my 10K.

Last week a friend began her 10K training and mentioned using a phone app.  I looked into them and found a free 10K training app that starts from the very beginning, as if you weren't able to already run a 5K distance.  The first week begins with a five minute warm up walk and ends with a five minute cool down walk with around ten reps of 60 second runs and 90 second walk intervals in between.  It is a 14 week program (42 days), and I am able to incorporate my own music into the program.  Not bad for a free app.  The program fits in nicely for speed work training as well.

Let the training begin!!

I plugged in the treadmill and turned on the app and had officially begun my 10K training!  Whoo-Hoo!!  I can do these short intervals way faster!  Easy peasy!!  I will nail these tiny little intervals!  Wait?  What? You want me to do that again?  And Again? More?!  Hold on a sec, why am I so drained?  Come on now, this should be cake!

Well, it wasn't cake.  It is not a good idea to start off too fast or you won't have anything left for the rest of the training.  I reduced the pace as I went, back to my average running pace and decided, I would work on building speed a little more gradually than I first started out.  The original pace I selected was most certainly doable for me, but not repeatedly.  Not yet, but it will be!  And it won't take long!  I finished Day 1 of my 10K training yesterday.  It was a little tougher than my cocky self thought it was going to be, but I got it done.

As the day went on and I started thinking about my shorter long term goals, I started getting an itch to run a full marathon.  I wanted to skip right over the half marathon thing and go for the real deal!  But, I had a plan, I was going to do a full marathon in 2016.

However, this idea kept popping into my head throughout the day until finally I couldn't ignore it any longer.  I made up my mind I would go right from 10K training into half and then full marathon training and would plan to do my first full marathon in 2015.

Once I committed to the decision, I became so excited about the idea, I had to proclaim it on Facebook, you know, because that's what we do ;)  It was wonderful to put into words and make it real and I am blessed to have so many supportive people in my life.

So, here begins my long journey from 10K to marathon.  I hope you'll join me with your adventures in running and share your challenges, goals and successes!

Here's a little something to motivate you (and me!)
I love watching the Kona Ironman running and participant stories.  Enjoy.


Saturday, November 8, 2014

be YOU!

On a daily basis, I am bombarded by negative input from friends and strangers, badmouthing themselves and others.  This puts me over the top!  And fatalistic thinking, good grief, I won't even get started on that one!  I don't understand why people try so hard to be someone they aren't, or constantly compare themselves to someone else.  We are each born with our own beautiful, wonderful and unique gifts, just for us, no one else.  The particular combination of all things us, that which makes us who we are on this plane.

While I do agree, it is important to be aware of things about yourself you would like to see a change in for the better, and take steps to make those improvements, for example health, kindness, patience etc, we spend far too much time trying to please everyone else and for all the wrong reasons.

It is physically impossible on this plane of existence to be ALL things to ALL beings.  Impossible to make everyone, everywhere, happy at all times.  And why would you even want to??

Why are people so worried about impressing complete strangers, worried about a stranger's opinion of them, people they may never see again in their life??  Why are they least concerned about this with the people they see every day, like family.  Perhaps, we feel like family will love us regardless, and we take it and them for granted?

People get so worked up speaking in front of strangers, or worry about impressing someone they don't know at a party.  Wouldn't it be a whole lot easier to be your natural self and let the ones who appreciate you come to you.  If someone doesn't like you, why would you even want to be around them?  If you change your natural self to please someone else, you will be living a lie every time you are with them.  Forget about it if you marry someone under false pretenses!  That is not going to end well at all!

I am not talking about being an evil monster if someone says something you don't agree with, or anything like that, but truly being your best version of you.  The you that comes naturally.  The you that lights up when a certain type of music comes on, the you that forgets all about the icy cold temps because you want to get that one last perfect photograph, the you that perhaps loses themselves when they are singing, and so on.

Find the best version of you and the things you enjoy and build on them.  Do not build your life, your future on someone else's expectations of who you should be and what you should be doing with your life, because it is just that.  It is YOUR life.  Make it a good one.  Make it the best you can.  Every single day may not be roses and sunshine, but dust yourself off and try again.  Get out of bed the next day and go get them!  It is exciting not knowing where we will be this time next year, next month or even tomorrow.  The world is open to you and for you.  Now, go out there and make a difference in your life!!

"Shake It Off"!!


Monday, November 3, 2014

what now?

After completion of the four races, back to back in four weeks, I wanted to set some new goals for myself.  When I went out for my long training run the following weekend, I decided to try for four miles straight through.  They didn't need to be fast, they didn't need to be pretty, they just needed to 'be'.  And they were.

I was so proud of myself, but I felt it.  Every inch of me felt it.  After a few days, I was still feeling it and by the following week, Monday, I woke up sick.  My aches and pains were feeling better, but I was dealing with some stomach issues now.  I was sick from the time I got out of bed until 6:00 that evening and spent all of Tuesday recuperating.  After which, again I ached all over from being ill so much.  Fortunately, it didn't appear to be any type of bug, bacterial or viral, but some intestinal blockage which I have never done well with.  'Call the ambulance, I'm sure I'm dying' kind of deal for me.  I am an absolute baby when this happens and my body completely betrays me.

I decided to give my body a rest and took that week and this past weekend off as well.  I will ease back into a routine by walking, which I have been doing with the pups, but plan to increase mileage on my treadmill.

I have become frustrated with the response time on the treadmill when speed training.  It doesn't increase speed quickly enough, and then when I'm ready to cough up a lung, it does not decrease quickly enough.  I have been wondering if there is still such a thing as a non-motorized treadmill.  Do they still make them?  You know the kind, the one they use in the beginning of the Jetsons?  At least it starts out that way until they get it going too fast?  (I never understood why they weren't concerned a little more about 'gravity'.)   I decided to look them up, they DO exist!  A manual treadmill is what it is called, I ordered one immediately.  I will post an update on how well (or not) it works out for me during the upcoming cold weather.

As for the 'what now' question, I will be working on hill training for my next scheduled race in March of 2015.  We are doing a 10K bridge run, this will be an increased distance and an increase in hills and endurance.  I am looking forward to the challenge.  In truth, I am looking forward to kicking the challenge in the bum!  After this, the goal is half marathon training for a race sometime in 2015 and the ultimate shorter long term goal right now is my first full marathon in the Fall of 2016 with a few awesome friends.  

I have not been 'dieting', no counting calories, depriving myself, obsessing over every morsel I put into my mouth.  I have however been making better choices.  I am vegan and prefer whole foods versus processed foods.  If I am hungry, I eat.  If I want something yummy, I try to make it myself.  There are times when it is not convenient to do so and I will make exceptions, but I do NOT beat myself up about it.  I try to move in some way every day, and I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.  Since I'm a vegan, this works out really well for me.  I want to see a lot of color on my plate at each meal.  If there is no green, even if it's just a small amount, at every meal, it feels like something is missing.

Organic & Non-GMO tofu, scrambled with onions tri-colored organic peppers, garlic, salt, pepper.

Since my last recorded higher weight in February, I have lost 21 pounds, and since beginning my running again, I have lost 13 pounds.  The 13 pounds came off naturally in three months by keeping active and eating primarily organic whole foods.  I am letting my body heal itself and trying not to get in the way.  It is rewarding me by balancing itself and letting go of the excess gravity.  Thank you my beautiful and wondrous body, you are making the running more enjoyable with every bit of gravity you release!!


Sunday, October 12, 2014 think you want to quit?

On my way 41 degrees

Entering park - beautiful!
Last Saturday was my third race.  It was dark, it was cold, my pets were snuggling and the bed was cozy.  I checked the outside temperature, 41 degrees....'you don't have to do this you know', 'you can crawl right back under the covers and relax'.  'But I feel so great after a run', 'I feel so proud', 'I feel strong, confident and accomplished'.  'Besides, you never have to do it, you GET to do it, and you are one lucky gal to have that privilege!'  'Now, get off your ass and go have some fun!  Besides, next week is downtown and if you are going to skip a race, save it for that one!'

Water's edge pre-race - Brrrrrrr
Okay, I went.  I was so happy I did.  It was bitterly cold on the water's edge where we all met before the race, but once we moved from there to the start, it was fine.  Once moving even better.  I had done this route so many times before, I could do it in my sleep.  I knew when the inclines were coming and when to take advantage of the downhills.

It was a nice race.  I had a great time and felt wonderful throughout most of the run.  And the fact that it was for a good cause was gravy.  This was my best time yet!  Was I ever glad I made myself get to go ;)
Post race - It was a beautiful day!

I was happy to have the added warmth of this shirt!
Fast forward to yesterday morning.  Again, it was cold, 43 degrees, and this race was downtown.  I have never liked messing with downtown races, parking and traffic.  I knew I had banked a 'skip this race', (whatever that meant), so stayed in bed for a while thinking.  I hadn't even set the alarm I was that certain I was going to 'skip this race'.

The morning's mental conversation went a little something like this:
I am so wide awake.  I don't want to go.  Why not?  I hate messing with downtown traffic and parking.  But you know this part of downtown like the back of your hand.  Check the website.  Easy park, free park, close walk, what's the problem?  I don't know.  Don't wanna. Why not?  It's cold. You're not even a tiny bit tired.  You are going to be so grumpy and antsy if you stay in bed.  It is a nice flat route.  It would be nice to run a level race. Wouldn't it?  And maybe you could beat your last run.  This was the first race you ever did a few years back, you ran it for your 'Poppy' since he had recently passed away.  Aren't you lucky you're able to do this?  A couple hours from now, you are going to feel like crap when you know you would have been done and speculate on what might have been.  You still need to run later today and it might not get any warmer.  Get up, go to the bathroom, get moving.  Okay, here's the deal, I'll get on the scale and if it is in the 2-teens, I'll go to the race.  I got up, got on the scale.  It was in the 2-teens.  A deal is a deal.

Pulling up the new running pants I had purchased the day before in anticipation of the cooler running weather, I smiled to myself thinking, yep, a deal is a deal.  I couldn't believe that actually worked. Laced up the shoes, took care of the furballs, gathered my last minute items and headed out the door.

What a gorgeous day!
I knew exactly where I was going, although it had been some time since I had used this route.  After several detours, u-turns, and finally resorting to my navigator, I arrived.  I was so excited. Everything was set up and there was a great turnout.  As I neared the canal where all the excitement was, I could hear the music and started getting pretty amped.  I did feel really well.  I felt strong and there seemed to be a bounce in my step.  I headed to packet pick-up and donned my bib and timer, but wanted to take the t-shirt back to the car, I also wanted to grab the cell and take some photos before the run.  I decided it was too much to try and carry it through the run, so headed back to the car again to put away the phone.  My steps felt so light and springy.  Yay!  There were two minutes left before the race started.  I headed over and ran into a couple of girls that had run a race with me two weeks ago.  We chatted for a moment before I headed toward the back of the group.

A nice turn out pre-race

Our great DJ
I had forgotten this was a walk/run 5K, so spent the better part of the first quarter mile weaving in and out of the walkers, but once I had maneuvered into a good spot, I settled into a nice and comfortable pace.  This felt so much better than the first time I had run it.  I wasn't nervous, I was having fun, I felt strong and confident and was whooting and giving high fives as we passed the volunteers.  We circled a block or so before heading into the downhill to the canal.  I hadn't remembered there was a downhill here, I was psyched!  I was running much faster than normal anyway, but when I hit the hill, I was able to open my stride wider than usual, and I increased my pace as well.  Leaning into it, I hit that nirvana running moment, how perfect.  It makes me smile now to remember that feeling.  You feel you can fly, feet light, body light, fast, free, forever.  It was a wonderful way to start a race I almost quit before I started.

North end of canal - The finish wraps up to the left of and behind the tree in the left middle of the photograph

Things went well that first mile, then something changed.  I don't know if we were on a slight incline or not, my body usually feels it before my eyes see it, but something was different.  I knew I wasn't going downhill right now, so being accustomed to adjusting my pace, I slowed a little, and tightened the stride again until finding my regular pace.  I had moments where I felt fine and steady, but from that second mile and to the finish, most every step was hard fought for.  There were times when I thought my body was going to stop on me, but I didn't want to have to try to run again after a walk, that was much harder, better to keep running than stop.  I might not be able to start again at all.  I don't want to walk.  Keep going!  I kept going.  I plodded along miserably with a few steady moments sprinkled throughout, but they were very few and far between.  Finally, I saw the turn heading into the finish.  Normally at every race, with one other exception, I sprint into the finish, but this time, my feet felt so heavy, I was concerned I might drag them over the blue rugs and get tangled in the cords and fall flat on my face!  I barely heard or saw anyone as I came across that finish, barely able to lift my feet, I struggled across the first, then the second, third and fourth mats.  I MADE IT!  Wow!  Am I whipped!  I MADE IT!  Catching my breath, I went to the volunteer table and picked up some water, the volunteers were being very supportive, I weakly chirped out my thank you for volunteering before wandering off to find a place to sit and recover.  I came to the breakfast setup before finding a seat, so fixed a plate of cut fresh fruit and wandered over to sit down.  Once I recovered, I was smiling both inside and out and enjoying visiting with the people next to me.

Race goodies
This was one of the best races of the four.  While I had achieved and thoroughly enjoyed that special runner's high during my first mile, it was not my strongest, nor my most enjoyable race, quite the opposite.  It was hard fought, it was painful, I struggled, in fact, I hadn't even wanted to go.  I wanted to quit several times during the race and I wanted to quit before I started, but I didn't.  I MADE IT!!    I conquered this beast and still came in under 45 minutes, much to my amazement!

The more difficult something is for you to accomplish, the more rewarding it is when you succeed.  I am so proud of myself for completing all four races.  Every Saturday morning for four weeks in a row, I got up early and went to my races.  I completed my races and am that much stronger for it.  

So, if you think you want to quit, think again.  You deserve this.  You are not only able to do this, you WILL do this.  You GET to do this!!



Sunday, September 28, 2014

2nd race on the books!

It was such a beautiful morning, a perfect morning for a race!  This one was going to be held in my park, on the roads.  I was familiar with the route they had mapped out and knew there would be plenty of inclines, so the plan was to take it nice and steady, and the goals today were simply to finish and run each step of the way.  I was pretty sure this one was going to take a bit longer.

One of the sponsors was my favorite health food store, and they had lots of free goodies.  This race was well organized and fun, and it was only the second annual event.  It was for a great cause and they really did it up right.  There were free Zumba dance classes and plenty of games for the kiddos before the race, and they offered free professional massages for the runners afterward.

The race started on an incline, so I put myself toward the back of the pack knowing I was going to start out slowly.  Just as I thought it was going to level out for a minute, we were heading back up a hill of broken down, rutted and uneven road with lots of rocks and leaves, I was forced to watch each step as opposed to looking up and around and enjoying the scenery.

There would be a lot of step watching today.  I was so happy to be back running again and I didn't want to roll an ankle on any of the rocks or walnuts that were plaguing the route today, but it was an absolutely beautiful route which I enjoyed thoroughly (even while wondering if the inclines would ever level out!)

Even while feeling the strain on my entire system, my legs were strong and I held steady throughout the entire run.  And here it was, the incline that forced a slow gradual start.  It was now a downhill sprint to the finish which I absolutely loved, smiling every step of the way!!

By holding steady and knowing what to expect at each turn, I was able to come in under my goal time and did better than I had expected.  In fact, if this race had awarded age grouper medals, I would have won my first one!


Post run evening: A big batch of homemade lentil stew

Saturday, September 20, 2014

My first race (again)!

This morning was my first 5K since beginning and completing retraining over the last couple of months.  The weather was perfect and it was shaping up to be a magnificent day.  It was also my birthday.  I thought this was the best gift I could give myself.  I decided to treat it as another 'training run' because I always tend to get nervous before a race.  I'm not sure why, but I always feel, even if short lived, that familiar anxiety welling up in the pit of my gut.

On my way!

I got to the race location, picked up my packet, then took most of it back to the car.  I wanted to be able to photograph everything, but decided I would put the phone away until after the races were over.  This was a two race event, a 10K which started at 8:15, and then my 5K which began at 8:30.  I still had a little time before the race, so I wandered around investigating and meeting new people.


 HANK FM was announcing a contest, so I wandered over and filled out an entry form, teasing them about it being my birthday while also advising them they didn't really need to know the year ;)  I moved on to another tent and grabbed a banana and some water.  While loading up on goodies, I heard my name being called over the loud speakers.  Again, 'Lori Poole, where are you?'  It was the HANK FM tent DJ announcing that Lori Poole, the birthday girl had won the drawing for a one hundred dollar gift card!  Wowie!  Not a bad start!  I was just sure they were teasing me, but it was the real deal!

Gift card!

A few minutes later the 10K runners were off!  Fifteen more minutes and it would be time for me to run my race.  I walked over to the start line and felt the anxiety rising.  I found some nice people and began chatting, this always helps me calm down and I believe it helps others relax as well.  That fifteen minutes went by so fast, there it was!  We were moving, crossing the start line and that was it for REAL!

I found my pace and settling in, held steady.  Hey, I feel good!  I am very glad I took the last four days off.  I'm doing fine, I'm doing really well.  I was passing people that started before me, but it didn't matter, I wasn't competing with them.  I had my own agenda, my own very specific goals.

The first mile was done and gone and I was digging into the second mile.  There was a sweet downhill run before hitting a couple of hills, so I was sure to take advantage of this.  I really enjoyed the downhill bit, but I was preferring even more the stretches of good old level road.  Here come the ups, okay let's just slow down if we need too, tighten your stride, you know what to do, you've been training on hills.  I had been training on much steeper hills!  While this was a bit of a strain, I continued right on to, and past mile two!

Figuring my time at the two mile mark, I started doing the math.  I am always doing math on my runs, I find it not only serves a purpose, but it keeps me entertained.  If I kept this pace up, even factoring in the long gradual incline I knew was waiting for me just before the end of the route, I was definitely going to be able to come in under fifty minutes.  In fact, I decided I wanted to come in under forty-six minutes!!  How about that?!

Rounding the turn into the hospital grounds, I knew it wouldn't be much longer before the three mile marker, then only a tenth of a mile to go!  I was feeling somewhat tired as I was straining against the incline, but just ahead, I could see that wonderful three mile marker!  The adrenaline kicked in and I knew I could push myself through the last bit.  I did too, I wanted to make up for the slower pace on that last incline.  There they were!  I could see those beautiful blue rugs over the timing mechanisms under the giant FINISH banner!!  Pushing even harder, as hard as I could, I pumped my legs and headed into the finish!!  Forming peace symbols with my fingers, I kissed both and waved them high in the air shouting my WOOT-WOOTs! and AWESOMEs!!

I did it!!  I really did it!!  I hit my goals and then some!  Goal 1) Finish the race, CHECK, 2) Run every step, CHECK! and 3) The added goal of finishing under forty-six minutes, CHECK!!

Post race!  Big cheesy grin!

That's right!!  I did it!! Not only under forty-six minutes, but...

...under 45 minutes!!  (3rd from the bottom)
AND I received an age groupers medal!  Third place!

That's my bling! The ICING!!
What a wonderful and rewarding morning it had been.  One of my cupcakes I had received from a friend yesterday actually survived until post race and I treated myself when I got home. While the cake was good, just like meeting my original goals, the icing was spectacular!  And as most of as know, it really is all about the icing!  ;)

Just LOOK at that icing, will you?!  Spectacular!!


Monday, September 15, 2014

Last training run before my 5k race

I had been feeling very strong while training and this past week, it finally caught up with me.  Feeling achy and drained.  I decided since I had been pushing it a bit, to take a few extra days off for rest.  I wanted to get out and do one more full practice 5k run before Saturday's race.

I got to the park a little later than usual, but enjoyed a slow start to the morning.  I started off on my warm up walk and realized I didn't have my Garmin with me.  I had planned on shooting for some more level training ground today, but this wasn't going to be the case.  Since there was a 5k route I could use without being dependent on my Garmin, I turned around and walked to the route start.  The route begins going up an incline, levels occasionally, has multiple uphill climbs in the middle, and is uphill at the end, with a nice downhill run at the very very last bit.

As I jogged up the starting hill I was already feeling like I was going to need to stop and I hadn't gone a quarter mile.  I set my mind and determined that was NOT going to be an option this morning.  I was so grateful when it began to level out.  I continued on feeling very sluggish and tired.  I just didn't seem to be able to shake it, but I was not going to stop.  With every passing landmark, I would recognize how far I had gone and how far I still had to go.  It didn't matter, I was going to continue.  On and on, slowly up another hill, shortening my stride, slowing my pace, getting the breathing under control, I pressed onward.

There would be three decent hills going down before some of the larger uphill stretches.  I would generally take full advantage of these to take in lungfuls of fresh, clean air.  Today, approaching the first downhill stretch, I was ready to enjoy it and take a deep breath.  Blasting past me right at the same moment was a large dump truck with all its black and smoky exhausts.  Instead of gulping in clean air, I was holding my breath and trying to catch small mouthfuls through my hand to try and filter out the stench.  Recovering, I slowly climbed up the next large hill looking forward to getting some fresh air on the next downhill stretch.

Here it comes, the second downhill stretch.  I'm going to fill my lungs with the sweet stuff now!  Rumble, boom....what the...?  Another dump truck comes barreling by.  Another downhill goal filled with black and smelly smoke.  Covering my mouth and plowing ahead, I stayed the course.  Third time's the charm.  And it was.

Without realizing it, my running had been getting stronger, the legs feeling better than when I started out today.  I was tired, but I did feel like I had hit my stride.  Heading to the third downhill stretch, I really needed to make it work.  Following, was the toughest stretch for me on this route and I knew once I got through it, I was on the homestretch.

No more dump trucks!  I took advantage of this to push the speed and breath in the fresh, clean air before heading up the hill.  Here it is, and boy is it ever tough!  You've got this!  Just a little bit more and you're flying downhill for the home stretch.  Got it!  Heading down that hill and on the homestretch, I knew this was one run I was going to be okay to have end.  I was also going to be very proud of finishing it.  The more challenging the run, the more rewarding the finish!

After completing today, I was pretty tired and thirsty, so I took some time to rest, recover and hydrate before heading back to the car.  On the way back I took time to enjoy the last of the summer wildflowers and the start of the Fall wildflowers.

I got into the car and opened the glove box to grab something and lo and behold, look what I found in there!!

Hill training is GOOD! Even if it wasn't the original plan!


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

6:39 PM Tornado Warning in this area til 7:15 PM EDT. Take shelter now....NWS

I wasn't sure I was going to make it before the storm tonight, but I headed out to the park after work anyway.  I had stayed late tonight and was already concerned about the pups being inside for so long , but I knew it was going to be a shorter run.  The plan tonight, speed training:  a one mile run, walk a couple of minutes, two half mile runs with walk breaks between, then two to four quarter mile runs to really push it, of course with recovery walks between each of these as well.

I got to the park, peeled off my work clothes which I had worn over my running clothes all day, and headed out.  Only a few of the die-hards were still left at the park by the time I arrived.  One by one, most of them were leaving as well.  They had probably gotten there earlier and were heading home for dinner.

I started with a fast walk, then shifted into my run.  I started out a bit too overzealous, but my goal tonight was to pull a twelve minute mile pace on at least one of the quarter mile runs.  I had wanted to do the mile more as a warm up and build speed with each interval.  I was feeling really heavy and strained tonight and started out too fast, so I thought I would shoot for the half miles instead now.  After I raced along for a bit, I felt the strain and bumped it down to quarter mile intervals.  I felt like I could push it more that way and might survive the strain as well.

I hit the first quarter mile, walked a bit, then decided it was looking rather dark out now and I wasn't seeing very many people.  I'll get one more quarter in, then call it quits for tonight.  Turning around, I headed back in the direction of the car.  I pushed myself for the next quarter, really wanting that twelve minute pace.  I hit another quarter, then headed to get a drink of water.

As I was walking back to the car, a nice cooling rain began.  Once I got in the car it really started pouring.  And there was plenty of thunder now too.  By the time I pulled in my drive it was coming down in torrents.  I decided I would head through the front door, grab the umbrella, then cut through the garage to get the mail and unload the car.  I got inside and let the dogs out before doing anything else.  My little guy hadn't quite made it, but that was okay, I knew he had done his very best.  The rain eased back for a few minutes while I got everything unloaded and the dogs took care of their business, then we all came inside and the storm really hit.  (Thank you for waiting until we all got inside.)

After getting everything put away and settled in, I picked up my phone and saw I had an emergency weather warning.  Tornado warning sent at 6:39PM, expired at 7:15PM, read at 7:23PM.  I was pretty relieved we were all okay and I had missed that!

Coolest part tonight, even though my original plans had been slightly altered, I did hit my 12 minute pace!  On both quarters!!


Monday, September 8, 2014

An interesting post run hankerin'

In keeping with my plan, I went out to do several reps of twelve minute runs today.  Since all three races I have registered for involve hills, two of which are in my very near future, I decided to run one of the hillier routes that are also mostly in open sun today.

I got a slow and easy start to my day.  I was feeling a little bit achy all over from my unique sleeping patterns, so didn't jump right out of bed and hit the road running this morning.  I am long overdo for a new mattress and finally decided to go for it.  I had already picked out my dream mattress a number of years ago and began digging around for it online this morning.  Once I had found it, I was now more certain than ever I was going to make this an immediate priority!  I looked it up to research all the details and was extremely disappointed to find it contained both wool and silk.  In addition to them not being on a vegan venue, neither are on my personal choice list.  I started searching for options and found a really cool organic and vegan mattress, but I don't have any way of trying it out first.  I put that on the back burner and decided to do a live customer service chat with the store that had my original mattress.  Are there any items comparable?  Are there any that don't contain animal products?  We found a fairly nice option but again, nothing nearby where I can test it out.  The search continues and I'm sure I'll post all about it once it unfolds.  In the meanwhile, back to today!

As I said, moving slow, feeling achy and training on hot, sunny hills was planned for today.  As with my previous runs, I was feeling pretty great on the level stretches, especially when I hit a patch of shade.  I made sure to savor those rare moments, to really live in that moment.  But these breaks were few and far between today.  The level stretches good, the downhill stretches better, downhill and shade....GREAT!  But then there were the challenging hills and open sun.  I tightened my stride, I slowed my pace and on I plodded.  There were times that I knew if I hadn't experienced this before, known I could do it, that I might have given up in the past, but I did know better and I did not give up.

It is truly tough timing a run to know when you can really exert some of your best energy.  I don't like to start out with too much too soon, which I have done in the past, because this doesn't leave much for the rest of the run.  If you take it too slow and easy, you don't grow or challenge yourself as you would like.  I try to have a regular steady 'go to' pace throughout, but when I hit some easier stretches, I pull out a little more.  As I approach the more challenging sections, I tighten the stride and ease back on the pace.  Today, I had it planned out that majority of the last run interval would be on hills.  Ending a race on a hill is a tough one, especially if you use up all your good stuff early on, you simply run out of steam.  Both of the races I have this month have hills throughout and end on hills, I knew I needed to build up some endurance for that.  If I could pull this off, I knew the very last two minutes or so would be downhill and level.

That last two minutes was my dangling carrot.  It kept me going even when I was feeling spent.  And there it was, just around the next turn and I would be close to heading down that hill.  Ahhhh!  I made it, here it is!  Here's the good stuff!!  Weeeeeeee!!! And there's the water fountain!!  You're almost there....MADE IT!  I'm not sure fresh cool water ever tasted so wonderful!!

I walked back up the hill, to my car and headed home.  Boy was I hungry!!  I knew I wanted something specific, but couldn't put my finger on it.  Something peanut butter...that's it!  And here it is, my interesting post run hankerin'.  I am currently gobbling up every single bite!

A classic: Peanut butter and pickles


Sunday, September 7, 2014

a hard sell is a HUGE turn off!

I don't know about the rest of you, but I find that the pushier a person is, the harder the sell, the less I hear the content and the more I hear myself formulating my path of resistance.  It may even have been something I could have originally gotten on board with.  I choose to have an open mind about a lot of things, but once someone deems they are better than everyone else and their way is the only way, I instantly go into my ear covering, 'lalalalalalalala', 'I can't hear youuuuu' mode.

My primary choices for sustenance are plant based, as are the majority of choices I make as to the type of clothing I wear, furniture I purchase, cleaning products I use, etc.  I try to replace existing products with cruelty free items.  I would use the term 'vegan', however, I am learning a lot about the term and the depth to which some people will go to defend their 'titles'.

Don't get me wrong, there are many many awesome folks that are vegan and even the extremists are necessary for diving into the trenches, getting messy and getting actively involved.  I don't always agree with their methods, but usually do agree with their reasons and a lot of important changes are enacted because of them.  Sadly, however, lately I have begun to see so much hatred and bashing going on in the Facebook groups and pages.  I have recently unjoined several because of the bullying.  Someone sincerely trying to learn and ask for help gets raked over the coals and chastised for not meeting the bullies' expectations of perfection.  Super disgusting and I am the first one to applaud the people for even trying.  Why would you want to attack someone for trying when you could be educating the ones with no knowledge, or getting dirty in the trenches and fighting against the abuse and torture of the truly hate filled money grubbers etc?

I don't respect this any more than I do someone trying to shove their personal religious beliefs down my throat touting how they are right and everyone else is wrong and all are going to go to hell.  Nor do I appreciate someone telling me how to exercise, eat, lead my life in general, and that their way is the only way and everyone else's is wrong.  They actually believe everyone must do it their way!

Ridiculous people!  We are each on our own journey and it is important for us to find our own way. It is also important to help others along their journey.  I said 'help', not bully, not boss, not judge, but sincerely help.  Set a good example by the way you live your life.  If someone asks for your opinion, give it, but you don't have to judge someone else to do so.  As far as I know, no one came into this world with all the hate and judgement for others, nor did they have all the 'answers' they are currently wielding.

I frequently see someone living their life one way, making excuses, judging others, posting horrible things on Facebook pages and then months go by and they have made changes that would be a 100% contradiction of the things they were previously doing or using for excuses.  They have learned something and made appropriate changes to improve their lives.  Good for them, but, then they turn around and toss down the gauntlet to everyone not doing like they are now.  Now wait, what about all the things you did for years prior to this point?  Are you the only one that gets to learn, everyone else has to come ready made and in total agreement with everything you say and do??

Do the very best that you know you can do, I did NOT say be perfect!  What is that anyway?  You are not here to meet someone else's ideals.  You are here to be the best version of yourself you can be, can learn to be, can become.

And if you need help, ask for it, it's okay.  It really is.  But make sure you are getting the type of help you are seeking and not being bullied into someone else's idea of the way you should be doing things and the way they want you to live your life.

I think, do as little harm as you can in this world, try to make small improvements when you can, where you can, be generous with your random acts of kindness, be proud that you are able to do small acts of kindness, they may mean more than you realize.  And by all means do as little harm as you can to yourself!!  That's right!  You wouldn't let someone treat your best friend, loved one or even your pet the way you treat yourself, so stop doing that!

Ignore their hard sell and continue on your merry way, gently influencing others by your kind and generous actions, or your healthy choices.  YOUR choices, what is working for you now, but continue learning, growing and sharing.  If something doesn't feel right, you're going to know it and then perhaps it is time for some introspection.

Now, go out there and continue being the best version of you 
you can be!

Saturday, September 6, 2014


I had prior commitments for this morning which would have prevented a training run.  This was why I had originally planned on running week 7-2 Friday evening and then completing week 8 on Sunday morning.  I really wanted to do my Saturday morning run, so made a few changes.  I canceled the original plans, took last night off and headed out for my graduation run this morning, Week 8!!  A full half hour run at the same steady pace I had been training at all along.

As I headed out, it was a perfect 66 degrees, overcast and there was a nice steady mist coming down.  My dream running weather!!  I was so happy I changed my plans.  This gave me an extra rest day, gave me back my Saturday morning run and the weather.....the weather sure beat running in the direct sun on a humid 80 something degree evening after working all day.  I was so looking forward to this!

Todd put together a really fun program for week 8 and I was really looking forward to it.  Just in case you are following along with his program, I won't tell you what it is, I'll let you look forward to it as well.  I headed out for my warm up walk, then started my run.  On and on I ran, Todd ticking off the time periodically and offering words of support.  I had a different plan in mind when I started this morning and knew as I hit the halfway point, there was no way I was going to want to stop at thirty minutes.

Past the halfway point now and I felt great!  I'll let you in on a little secret, intervals are a lot harder than running steady and continuously.  Once your endurance has been built up, it is a whole lot easier to continue running than to stop and restart.  The intervals get you and your heart rate nice and strong for your long runs.  They are really important to keep incorporated in your routine training as well, regardless of how comfortable you are with a distance.

The minutes were ticking down quickly and here it was, the thirty minute finish.  There was no way I wanted to stop!!  I felt amazing!  I quickly reset the program back fifteen minutes and continued running,  I was averaging about a fifteen minute mile.  I knew I wanted to go the full 5k, (3.1 miles).

I was feeling so good!  It had been years, truly, since I had been able to run like this without some type of injury recurring.  I would keep trying to retrain and would get the occasional great run, but nothing consistent and strong like it has been this time.  I had been dealing with the plantar fasciitis since March of 2013, first the left foot for a year, then the right foot.  I was so happy to be able to be running again, I felt a surge of joy and tears welling inside.

With a little less than a half a mile to go, all of a sudden I began feeling drained and wondered if I was going to continue struggling, when it dawned on me where I was.  It pays to really know your running environment well and I knew just about every inch of this park inside and out, trails and road.  I realized I had hit the point where the road began a gradual incline and if I could get through this, I would have a little stretch of level ground before the next incline.  Setting my mind, I was now targeting that level stretch.  Tightening steps a bit to compensate for easing back on the pace some, I continued up until I felt the change.  Oh yeah!  It was definitely the incline that had taken its toll on me.  Now on level ground, I felt strong again.

I took this opportunity to take advantage of the flat stretch after looking at my Garmin and seeing how close I was to my mark.  Seeing exactly how far I needed to go to complete the 3.1 miles and the time on the clock, I decided I wanted to finish in under fifty minutes.   I made those legs go!  Even as I felt the next incline start, I kept pumping.  And THERE IT IS!  Stop clock!

I didn't take this photo until I got home

Graduation day!  This morning I signed up for another race a week before the one for which I had already registered.  This one will be on September 20th, (my birthday), and I am really looking forward to it!  I can't think of a better gift to give myself.

Going forward with training, my plan is to keep Saturday mornings for my long runs (or races), Mondays for my long interval repeats and then pull at least one weekday evening to focus on speed training.

Good luck with your training!!  HAPPY RUNNING!!!!!

*Note:  If you have questions about how to get started or running in general, please continue to personal message me on my Facebook page:  Lori-Light A Better Version of Me.  I will do my best to answer your questions, or refer you to someone who can get you headed in the right direction.  Or you may post on this blog, or my Facebook page, there may be others that are able to contribute.  They may even have the same questions!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Week 7 was on the books for tonight...

Have I ever mentioned that I have done a complete 180 from being the epitome of a night owl to quite the morning person.  Our 'nights out' would begin anywhere between 9 p.m. to 11 p.m.  We would start getting ready and partying at home (less expensive that way) and then would head out to the clubs for a full night (and morning) of dancing.  Getting to bed before 4:00 in the morning was an insult and meant things must have been slow that night.  Yes, weeknights, weekends, it didn't matter.  The only difference being that on the weeknights, I would wake up feeling terrible after about thirty minutes of sleep knowing I had a full day of work ahead of me, and on the weekends, I could lounge around until after noon!  It is quite the opposite now!

I wake up chomping at the bit, all kinds of agitated because it's still dark outside at 5:00 a.m.  I want to get out and going!  Of course I do peter out quite a bit earlier as well, I mean I seriously start rounding all the critters up and getting them settled into their bedtime routines by 8:30 in the evening on weeknights, and I am generally horizontal by 9:00 even if not asleep.  But, I love my mornings and my morning walks.  I especially love those morning runs!

I said morning runs.  I am not, nor have I ever been a big fan of evening runs, even though my first year of running I did complete the Tuesday Night Trail Race series.  But running in the evening, especially after working all day is just not particularly something I generally a rule.  However, I am always (well, occasionally) open to change as evidenced above by the extreme change in my bedtime, and it seems lately I have been not only getting my runs done in the evenings, but actually relishing them!  I look forward to running after work.  I can't wait to get out there and burn off the day.  It is physically more challenging for me because my stomach is usually fuller and I feel heavy, I'm worn out (all the more reason to get out there), and it can be pretty hot in the evenings in Summer.

All of that applied tonight as I geared up to pump out Week 7.  Week 7 is a repeat of Week 6, but it adds an additional longer running interval.  I was pretty sure I would need to bump it back to at least one more rep of 6, but wanted to stick to my plan, so I headed for the open, hilly, hot and gnat infested roads.  I thought to myself it might be okay if I wasn't able to make it, then I would share that information and prove there is no shame in repeating or moving backward if necessary.  I'm not going to lie, as I was going up the hills in the first interval, I was pretty sure I wasn't going to make it, but every time it leveled out a little, I realized it truly was just the hills.  I was doing fine when I wasn't climbing.

I welcomed the walk break after the first interval tonight, and it blew past way too quickly and before I knew what hit me I was on my second run interval.  I felt a nagging burning sensation running up through my right lower calf and recognized that feeling.  I had really pushed myself with some speed training right before a half marathon my first year of training and strained the muscle to the point of having to walk almost the full second half of that race.  It is important to learn from past mistakes, so taking heed, I eased back on the pace some.  Plodding along uphill it felt like I was running in place at times, but I was making progress, albeit it, very slow.  I took tighter strides and tried to keep the pace steady.  I was doing alright after that, but I could feel it wearing on me.  And boy was it hot in this sun!

Walk break!  And it was time for the third and last interval.  As Todd ticked off the two minute times, I smiled, I wasn't going to stop, I was going to do this thing!  I had timed it so I could finish my run in the trails.  My shady, cool and spongy reward for enduring the pavement and heat.  I cut through open picnic areas with lots of dips and tree roots, walnuts and all sorts of things for a runner to trip over, so I took it very cautiously watching every step.  Up over the railroad ties into some bouncy sort of playground  mulch, up and out and onto the cut through path, rows of neatly spaced tree branches trying to prevent foot traffic, (but I was so close to my trail....).  I did a sideways step step rhythm, and smiled to myself thinking how it reminded me of those boot camp obstacle training courses I had seen on TV, and after that.....I WAS ON MY TRAILS!!  It was great and I did feel strong.  I knew I had this.  I wasn't feeling strained any longer.  I had stuck to the plan and I had completed Week 7!!  WHOO-HOO!  I was so proud of myself (and it is okay to feel that way), and I felt so much better than I normally would have if I had just gone home after work.

Tonight, here is my post run goodie.  Ice cold and delicious.  I'm so excited about my first race now.  I can see that carrot dangling in front of me and I can't wait to get out there.  Next training run will be Week 7.2 and for my weekend treat the final training run, Week 8!  And then the fun really begins!

As I write this blog entry, I am enjoying my cold treat, the furballs are
outside rough housing with each other, and a load of laundry is winding down

I hope all of you are sticking with your runs.  If you're not running yet, but are reading these blog entries and are interested (or even just a little bit curious) about the running program I'm using, I did verify that the program is still narrated and has the same Facebook admin as the creator, Todd Lange.  I have included a link to the 5k101 training program under my entertainment section, and will also include links below this blog.

This is a free training program and I highly recommend it.  I used this program when I first started training in 2011.  I was 50 years old, over 200 pounds and was a very beginning runner.  Before I first began training, I had gotten so heavy, it was extremely painful for me to walk a quarter to half a mile.  My lower back would just scream in pain.  As I walked more and lost weight, the running became easier.  But that first training week, believe me, it was a battle, and I did repeats when I needed to.

My very first race, I weighed in at 217 lbs.  That same year I went on to complete a couple of 5k races, several 5k evening trail race runs (brutal things they were!), a couple of half marathons, and a Sprint Triathlon, oh yeah, I completed a Warrior Dash in the mud too, what a blast!  So please give it a shot, I know you won't be sorry!!  


Facebook page link:

To download the free 5k101 app:

Monday, September 1, 2014

a part of us

Today's plan, and my next running day for that matter, was to get out and go for Week 5 again.  Two more reps and I could go on to Week 6, at which time, the plan was going to shift a bit.  I wanted to try 6, 7 & 7-2 in one week with a day of rest between each run.

But I felt so strong after my last run, I decided to bump it up to Week 6 this morning to see where I was at in my endurance and strength.  Again, I decided to head for the open roads to have a few shots at some fairly level stretches.  The sun was out in full force and I started on the hills, but it was okay.  I was doing fine.

Todd, creator and narrator of the training runs, tics off every two minutes as you go until you get to the last two, then he gives you one minute markings.  I couldn't believe how quickly the minutes were going by.  Before I knew it the first interval was over and I was walking.  The sun was a tad relentless at times, but thankfully, the clouds offered a nice reprieve and I was lucky enough to do the second interval with overcast skies and the occasional cool breeze.  I felt super!

As soon as it began, it was over it seemed.  Because of the longer intervals, there were only two reps today.  What a disappointment.  I was often quite disappointed when a run was finished and a little sad as well.  I think perhaps this is why I, and so many others like me, continue to strive for longer and longer runs.  We want to push ourselves, challenge ourselves to see just what we really can do.  It becomes so much a part of us, we don't want it to be over.

I really didn't want to be done, but I wanted to train smart.  I wouldn't be skipping ahead in the training runs if I didn't already have previous training.  And if I need to, I'm not too proud to skip back and repeat.  I believe the three reps of 4-2 really helped rebuild my endurance at exactly the right point.

I'm going to shoot for 7 and 7-2 this week and hope to graduate to the final and full training run, Week 8, this weekend.

I hope you're all doing well.  Remember, never compare, keep getting out there, and most of all ENJOY YOURSELVES!!

Post run goodies.  100% vegan.  Topped with Punk Rawk Nut Cheese.  This stuff is amazing!
Here is a link for those interested:


Saturday, August 30, 2014

NEVER stop amazing yourself!!

Primarily, I had been concentrating my training runs on the weekends, but a couple times last week I loaded up a bag with my running gear, changed after work and headed straight for my favorite trails.  I was able to get in three training runs of Week 4-2!

I had decided to move on to Week 5 on Sunday in order to give myself a little bit of a break.  However, while I was trying to occupy myself this morning, again I found myself unable to shush that persistent voice inside of me screaming to get out there.  I think you know what happens next. ;)

And off I went, sporting a full five pounds less gravity to boot!!  Yes, my body loves this thing I do called 'running' and responds to it in kind.  I parked in one of my usual places thinking I would head to one of my regular training trails, but knowing this was a new week with longer intervals, I decided to head out to where I knew I would get some flat stretches mixed in with the inclines.  But, this run would be on the roads and not on the spongy trails.

Fortunately, there was a nice overcast and I wouldn't be dealing with the intense sun beating down while out on the open roads, but I did have some concerns this morning.  First, I didn't want to do any damage to either of my feet and stir up the plantar fasciitis again, second I was even concerned about being able to complete the time for these run intervals.  Lest you think it is always rose colored glasses and Pollyanna over here, I will add that I have been dealing with unpredictable bouts of vertigo and a messed up rotator cuff caused by the jacked up way I sleep.

So, here I was heading out for a paved run, unsure if I could really do this, feeling nervous, and I had to start with some steep hills on this run just to get to the good stuff! I often get nervous before I run, even though I preach NOT to beat yourself up, just do the best you can and all that.  But, there was no denying the feeling I had in the pit of my stomach this morning.  I really wanted to be able to do this so much!  I nipped that in the bud with some serious self speak, and mostly by just doing it!

And here I was, doing it.  Running up the big hills and doing just fine.  I might just be able to pull this off.  Continuing on, I did the occasional spot check and everything was going along nicely.  I was heading toward the 'good stuff' feeling great and the first interval was nearing completion when the ground started spinning, more of a side to side type of deal, but regardless it was not normal.  I moved as close to the edge of the road as I could so if I needed to go down, I could dive into the nice soft grass.  And, I made it!  Done with the first interval.  As I was walking the dizziness dissipated fairly quickly.  There was a two minute walk break and I was off again.

As I began my second interval, nice cooling drops of rain started coming down.  A big smile appeared as I enjoyed the refreshing drops.  Heading up another incline, I noticed I wasn't feeling tired, or strained.  I felt good, I mean I felt really good!  There were a few times out on the 4-2 training run that I felt seriously spent, I kept going, but I did struggle at some points.  Not this time.  I was truly amazed.  I did a spot check from top to toe.  Everything was fine.  Nothing hurt, nothing was strained, breathing was strong, legs strong.  Aside from the occasional nuisance of my rotator cuff, everything was great!  How about that?

I finished the second interval and had a little dizziness when I switched to the walk, but nothing terribly distracting.  And it was time for the third and last run interval.  I had timed it just right.  Most of the third interval would be uphill.  Not exactly what I had planned on doing, but none the less, I powered through.  To prevent my lower back from tightening up, I would routinely tighten my stomach muscles and lean my upper body forward as I ran.  This works like a charm.  It is easy to forget to support your back.  Strong stomach muscles are your best defense.

When I completed my run, I headed into the trails for the cool down walk and enjoyed a couple of good oldies on my IPod.  The sun just then decided to put in an appearance and the trails were beautiful with dappled sunlight.  I took the earbuds out and enjoyed the sounds of nature.  All the while amazed at the strength I felt during and after this run today.  It felt really good to feel so strong.  It felt great to feel so good!  Best of all, it is wonderful to still be able to surprise myself!

Leftover kabob fixin's

Tossed into a wok with some little extras and YUM!  Post run quick fix