Saturday, August 30, 2014

NEVER stop amazing yourself!!

Primarily, I had been concentrating my training runs on the weekends, but a couple times last week I loaded up a bag with my running gear, changed after work and headed straight for my favorite trails.  I was able to get in three training runs of Week 4-2!

I had decided to move on to Week 5 on Sunday in order to give myself a little bit of a break.  However, while I was trying to occupy myself this morning, again I found myself unable to shush that persistent voice inside of me screaming to get out there.  I think you know what happens next. ;)

And off I went, sporting a full five pounds less gravity to boot!!  Yes, my body loves this thing I do called 'running' and responds to it in kind.  I parked in one of my usual places thinking I would head to one of my regular training trails, but knowing this was a new week with longer intervals, I decided to head out to where I knew I would get some flat stretches mixed in with the inclines.  But, this run would be on the roads and not on the spongy trails.

Fortunately, there was a nice overcast and I wouldn't be dealing with the intense sun beating down while out on the open roads, but I did have some concerns this morning.  First, I didn't want to do any damage to either of my feet and stir up the plantar fasciitis again, second I was even concerned about being able to complete the time for these run intervals.  Lest you think it is always rose colored glasses and Pollyanna over here, I will add that I have been dealing with unpredictable bouts of vertigo and a messed up rotator cuff caused by the jacked up way I sleep.

So, here I was heading out for a paved run, unsure if I could really do this, feeling nervous, and I had to start with some steep hills on this run just to get to the good stuff! I often get nervous before I run, even though I preach NOT to beat yourself up, just do the best you can and all that.  But, there was no denying the feeling I had in the pit of my stomach this morning.  I really wanted to be able to do this so much!  I nipped that in the bud with some serious self speak, and mostly by just doing it!

And here I was, doing it.  Running up the big hills and doing just fine.  I might just be able to pull this off.  Continuing on, I did the occasional spot check and everything was going along nicely.  I was heading toward the 'good stuff' feeling great and the first interval was nearing completion when the ground started spinning, more of a side to side type of deal, but regardless it was not normal.  I moved as close to the edge of the road as I could so if I needed to go down, I could dive into the nice soft grass.  And, I made it!  Done with the first interval.  As I was walking the dizziness dissipated fairly quickly.  There was a two minute walk break and I was off again.

As I began my second interval, nice cooling drops of rain started coming down.  A big smile appeared as I enjoyed the refreshing drops.  Heading up another incline, I noticed I wasn't feeling tired, or strained.  I felt good, I mean I felt really good!  There were a few times out on the 4-2 training run that I felt seriously spent, I kept going, but I did struggle at some points.  Not this time.  I was truly amazed.  I did a spot check from top to toe.  Everything was fine.  Nothing hurt, nothing was strained, breathing was strong, legs strong.  Aside from the occasional nuisance of my rotator cuff, everything was great!  How about that?

I finished the second interval and had a little dizziness when I switched to the walk, but nothing terribly distracting.  And it was time for the third and last run interval.  I had timed it just right.  Most of the third interval would be uphill.  Not exactly what I had planned on doing, but none the less, I powered through.  To prevent my lower back from tightening up, I would routinely tighten my stomach muscles and lean my upper body forward as I ran.  This works like a charm.  It is easy to forget to support your back.  Strong stomach muscles are your best defense.

When I completed my run, I headed into the trails for the cool down walk and enjoyed a couple of good oldies on my IPod.  The sun just then decided to put in an appearance and the trails were beautiful with dappled sunlight.  I took the earbuds out and enjoyed the sounds of nature.  All the while amazed at the strength I felt during and after this run today.  It felt really good to feel so strong.  It felt great to feel so good!  Best of all, it is wonderful to still be able to surprise myself!

Leftover kabob fixin's

Tossed into a wok with some little extras and YUM!  Post run quick fix


Sunday, August 24, 2014

Week 4.2 - A good decision

I couldn't wait!  I just had to get out into the woods and on those trails again today.  We have had a lot of rain and I knew the spongy damp earth would feel wonderful on my feet.

I did decide to do the Week 4.2 training to transition into Week 5 and it went so well, I plan to do the same thing between Weeks 7 and 8, opting for the Week 7.2 training.  I highly recommend this option for anyone who feels a new week is too much too soon, take it down a notch and be proud!  Keep going!  You know you've got this!

The trails did not disappoint.  In fact, apparently quite a few people had the same idea and were out enjoying them as well.  I call the woods my church, my sanctuary.  It is a place I can regroup, find peace and stillness and so much beauty.  It was good to see so many others felt the same.

No photos of my pre-run meal, but I decided to keep it light and easy.  I tossed raw and organic ingredients into the NutriBullet: banana, almond milk, yacon syrup, maca powder and B12.  Fast, delicious and a nice light meal for a pre-run.

I hope you are all enjoying your runs, I know I am!



Saturday, August 23, 2014

2nd run of week 4

In case there are some of you just beginning your adventures in running, I'm posting more frequent posts to help you know you're not in it alone.  You may be struggling, it may not even be something you like or think you're going to like.  If you absolutely detest running, or perhaps have some true physical issues that could impede your continuing for healthy runs, it may not be the best option for you.  But, if on the other hand, it is something you really want to do, really enjoy or think you're going to enjoy, go for it!

Some runs will be a struggle, some days you may not be feeling it at all, it could really be a challenge and you need to stop.  That's okay.  Stop.  But if you are one of the ones that really want to do this, just make sure to start again on your next running day.  Don't give up, never compare yourself to someone else or even yourself if you did a mile last week and today, you're having trouble completing a tenth of a mile at a jog.  Some days are just going to be like that.  Take a break, rest a day or two (or more), then get back out there and start a little slower or decrease your distance.  It's okay, really it is.

I feel awesome after a run!  Some parts may be more difficult than others, but when I'm done, I feel so amazing and I've completed another goal, that all I can remember, (or perhaps choose to remember), are the great aspects of that run.

Today was the second day of my week four training, I feel like I'm ready to move forward to another level, but week five is a bit of a jump.  Fortunately, Todd Lange (creator of the 5K101), has also created a week called 4.2, which is an increase, but not quite the jump that week five will be.  I think this will be my next goal for at least one or two running days before moving to week five. I'm really looking forward to it.  I'll let you know how it goes!


Today's post run treat.  Raw, vegan and organic:
Red cabbage slaw on a bed of baby kale, veggie roll-ups, blackberries and pluots.  And lots of water!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Moving forward

Yesterday I completed the second day of Week 3 in the rain.  It was a blast!  I absolutely adore running in the rain, a nice rain with no thunder and lightening.  I even convinced a friend of mine to bring her dog out to the woods and walk the trails while I was out on my run, we could meet up when I was finished.  They both had a good time too.

Afterward I felt so strong, both inside and out, I was sure I could skip ahead again to Week 4 on Monday.  I only do this with the complete understanding that at any time if I feel I have misjudged, moved forward too fast and need to take a step back I won't hesitate to do so. There is no shame in repeating weeks and I have done so in the past until I knew I was truly ready to move forward.

After thinking all last night that I wanted to run again today instead of waiting until Monday, I decided I would gauge how I felt in the morning and go from there.  I woke up raring to go.  I tried to complete other tasks first, but had no ability to focus and could only think about getting out to the trails and running again. So putting everything aside, I headed over to the park.

Once there, I did have a moment of hesitation, a flicker of wonder, 'was I ready?'.  There was only one way to find out.  I gently reminded myself I don't have to do this, I get to do this and off I started.

The first interval went well, there was a much shorter time to recover between intervals on Week 4, but I blew through it pretty well and was able to keep the breathing under control.  During the second and third intervals, my body reminded me it was not accustomed to running with so much extra gravity, so I eased back on the pace just a tad and that seemed to do the trick.  By the fourth and fifth intervals, I knew I had this.  Everything after that third 'hump' interval was just gravy.  I was thoroughly enjoying the woods, the damp spongy trails, the upcoming twists and curves, the hills up and especially down, it was all so awesome!

All of a sudden it seemed it was over just as quickly as it began.  I was done, it was time for the cool down walk.  I was walking along and looking at the trails, the curves, the hills, all the things I loved and every fiber of my being was screaming out to me, 'we want to run!'.  I could picture little cells in my body shaking their tiny fists at me in rebellion.  The next thing I knew I was running again.  I didn't pay attention to how far or fast, it was a short burst, but I ran until my lungs told me to take a break.  There!  That felt better.  It seemed to quiet the inner voices and I was able to complete my walk in peace.

Until next time.  Happy running!

Week 4 post run meal - Vegan nut burger and fresh organic raspberries

Note:  If you're just beginning running I would recommend sticking to the program, completing each week at least three times with at least one day of rest in between before moving forward to the next training week.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Week 3

Good morning!  I have completed two days of the Week 2 training program, but decided to go ahead and switch up to Week 3 this morning.  If I don't continue to feel strong, or if I feel I am moving too fast, I will move back and repeat Week 2.  However, after completing Week 3 this morning I am convinced it was the right move and am eager to continue.

This morning, since it was going to be for short bursts only, I wasn't too concerned about getting extra calories beforehand.  I certainly do not like to run or walk with a heavy stomach.  So I ate most of a banana and had something to drink and off I went.

It was a really good training session and I stuck to the grass and gravel next to the paved trail on the greenway.  I have been trying to get a photograph of the beautiful Kingfisher that likes to hang out by the ponds, but haven't had much luck.  This morning, of course, since I did not have my camera, he was kind enough to pose for me three times!  He finally took off during my third time around the inner loop.  I believe he decided he'd had enough fun tormenting me for one morning :)

Since I don't have a photo of the Kingfisher to share, I thought I would share my post-run meal.  I have been vegetarian, (primarily vegan), since before the start of 2014 and would like to add that I haven't been sick once since getting back on this path.  I don't like to eat too many processed and packaged, ready made vegan foods, but it is nice to have them handy occasionally and they are pretty tasty too!

Organic grapes, vegan: sausage, cheese, mayo, spicy brown mustard - YUM!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Approaching week 2

Yesterday morning I went out for the last training day of my first week back.  I completed my first week of run intervals feeling strong and confident, happy and free.

I completed my first week of running with a 'strong gravity' of 229.5 pounds! I completed a week of running at 229.5 pounds at the young age of 53.  I ran a full week of training at 229.5 pounds, age 53 and am newly menopausal.  I ran a week at 229.5 pounds, 53 years of age, menopausal and with healing plantar fasciitis bilaterally.

I ran, I'm 229.5 pounds.
I ran, I'm 53 years young.
I ran, I am menopausal.
I ran, I have healing injuries.
I ran, I work full time.
I ran, I take care of a household inside.
I ran, I take care of a household outside
I ran, I have five rescue animals.
I ran, I RUN!!

If I didn't run, I would be tired!

I am looking forward to my first training run of week two tomorrow!

I hope if you are having doubts, that you find some inspiration in this and know that YOU CAN DO THIS TOO!