"On the mountains of truth you can never climb in vain: either you will reach a point higher up today, or you will be training your powers so that you will be able to climb higher tomorrow." Friedrich Nietzsche
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
Just maybe, YOU could be the one to inspire someone else!
I was used to running, walking, even going to the gym and doing all my workouts, by myself! It was what I did. It was what I liked. It was my comfort zone. Previously a few years back I had given running a short lived and sporatic shot. When it came time to do the two 5k races I managed to get in before giving up my new found career in running (for a minute anyway), I was a little freaked out and clueless as to what to expect with all those other people so close to me and in MY space! There were too many people, I hadn't worn my IPod, I could hear myself gasping for my breaths (very annoying!), and then the race started! HAH! Fastforward to February 2011, I decided to give this running thing another shot, and be a little more steadfast with my training this time. And I did start out by myself, but by Spring/Summer was ready to maybe look into giving a running group a shot.
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'Always Earned, Never Given' |
Observations from the Back of the Pack
by Rose Hamel Scovel on Sunday, June 12, 2011 at 9:32am
When you are a back of the pack runner/walker there are a number of things in races that are just...different...than mid-packers and the front of the pack experience...
Don't get me wrong - I LOVE races, have since my first one. I have done 67 of them since October 2008. I wouldn't have done that many if I didn't find them to be amazing fun, even when they "suck." Some races are so bad you decide not to do them again...or give them a second chance and if they still suck you give up on that one, but you don't give up on racing. There's something about the early morning arrival times, conversation in porta potty lines and starting corrals, and experience along the course that keeps you going. And there's the finish line...and in many cases...the MEDALS!
But if you are like me (a firm back of the packer) here are some of the things that are just different:
- it generally takes so long to cross the start line (especially in big races) that the split timing clocks are totally irrelevant
- you have no chance of setting a PR if it is "gun time" only for the start
- there are people who think they walk an 11:00 mile when really they walk a 15:00 mile and you have to pass them early on
- you will be passed by at least one woman that looks like she weighs more than twice what you do
- you will be passed by a guy who had quadruple bypass surgery
- the guy who had quadruple bypass surgery will tell his running buddy (in your earshot) that if you are breathing like that you need to slow down
- you will initially be passed by some guy wearing basketball shorts and untied basketball shoes that don't fit correctly...it's ok - you usually pass him later
- you will be passed by an 8 year old
- the ground after the Gatorade stop will be so sticky you feel and hear your shoes peeling up with every step
- you may end up killing yourself on discarded water cups if you aren't careful
- the cheerleaders will be "bored" and not cheering or packing up before you pass them
- you very may well be passed by armed service members or firefighters in full gear (I asked once how much their pack weighed and got an answer of 60 lbs - I figure I am 60 lbs overweight so it just makes us even)
- you very well may be passed by a costumed runner...this never made me cry until it was Gumby and Pokey
- you will be told by someone who has never run that you don't need to train for 13.1 miles
- you will be told by someone who doesn't run that "anyone" can run a 5 hour marathon
- you will mentor someone through the training and pre-race (and transition for tri) and then they will go on to win their age group (or at least place) in their first race - something you will never achieve
- The finish line may not have the cheering throngs that greeted the early finishers and may be out of your favorite post-race food
But in the end, you had a great experience, met great people, and got some exercise. You also did something that many people will never do...so get out there and race. ESPECIALLY if you will be at the back of the pack. And join me in the prayer: Dear God, please let there be someone behind me.
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Rose with me in the 'back of the pack' at a Tuesday Night Trail run |
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Sunday Morning Musings Of THIS Runner
I can't wait to start back in on reading my new Kindle book!! Not before your run or you'll never get out the door. You didn't do your 5k race yesterday and you need to do your make-up run for it today! And you want to BLOG about it as well. Besides, you downloaded your new running song onto your IPod for today's run, aaaaawesome! Okay, breakfast. I'm hungry. Don't make breakfast at home, you'll sit down to eat and get started on the computer and/or that new book! McDonald's Egg McMuffin with regular bacon instead of Canadian and a large Diet Coke! YUM! My signature pre 3 mile run meal of choice. Get up, open the curtains and put on those running clothes. THE SUN IS SHINING! YAAAAY! Go let Moe out and get everything ready. All set now, and out the door with me. Such a gorgeous day! Very cold, but I'm dressed for it, and all nice and warmed up after scraping the frost off the car windows. Oh My Gosh! I want to get a picture of how great the sun is today! I just can't believe how beautiful it is!
Here I am. I'm out of the car and bouncing and bending. What am I doing here? I'm scared, I haven't run in forEVERRR! what? 2 weeks? SOOOOO! You GET to do this, you don't have to! SOOOO, if you have to stop, STOP! SOOOO, this is for YOU! GET OVER IT! Why wouldn't you be able to do it anyway? Just slow down or even walk if you need to. Your leg is feeling stronger and you were about ready to burst into spontaneous exercise last night from all the crap food and couch vegging out. Your body needs this, your body WANTS this! CRAP! Did I really just push that start button on my Garmin?! HERE WE GO!
Oh my gosh! I feel friggin' wonderful! This feels soooooo good! NO GREAT!! This first half mile feels good, I feel strong, I AM strong. Hmmm....what's that? It's okay, just a little winded from letting yourself get a little out of shape, just gotta build that stamina up again, slowly. Deep and slow inhale, slow and longer exhale....repeat.....okay....here we go, slow down a little and get back into the swing of things. Let's go out onto the road and see if we can get the miles up to a full 5k. People are being so nice and giving me plenty of room on the road...'Thank you!' Wave and smiling at everyone each time. Nice lady, nice smile back. Coming back around and turning off road and back into the trail area. Hmmmm, I was hoping to have gotten a couple miles in by here, but I feel way to good and know myself to think I've gotten in two miles yet, okay let's check, don't look at pace, just check distance for placement and to calculate and plan the rest of the route, okay and.....1.22, that sounded about right haha. Well I'll do one of the loops back behind the Colts building then, that should be about enough. Yikes! okay didn't see him coming, was just passed by a 'jogger/runner' that looks like he's not even trying. He sure makes it look easy, it feels easy sometimes for me today too. Look at your shadow, not too bad, but it does look less like a Gazelle than I'd hoped. '......yaa-ayyy yaaa-ay yay....that's when we aaaalll win.....' 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30........I LOVE THIS SONG! .....45, 46, 47........89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5......I need to take this back loop out to about 2.1, that gives me the extra .6 when I loop back the extra .3 or so, and then it will be a full 5k. Nice, I like this tiny gravel stuff, a little damp still, springy, nice. Aaaand turning around......HI, nice man, walker. .....57, 58, 59......What a pretty dog that couple has, HI. Smiling. I am feeling the leg now, and dragging this extra baggage is starting to wear on my last nerve now. Okay, so remember this will ya'? What a difference 6 pounds can make. But at least it is only more like an irritating kind of painful than it was previously with the painful kind of painful. Wow! my car surrrrre looks small from here. About three quarters of a mile out now. You got this! .....19, 20, 21......HEEEY YAAY AAAY YAAAY YAA-AY! I hope I don't bother anyone with my singing heh heh, but I don't really care, love singing this song! 52, 53, 54, 55....I know I have only about another 500 steps to go. Index finger out! ONE! 400 more...I feel my leg pain, and the extra weight makes these gradual slight inclines feel like magnets pulling my feet to the pavement, I'm fighting a battle every time I lift my feet. Oh no, Seriously? At only about a quarter mile left? You need to throw up now?! Fine, go ahead, but, I'M NOT STOPPING! You'll probably even feel better if you do, but I'M NOT STOPPING UNTIL I HIT 3.1! Hmm....that passed, thank goodness but even after that I still feel amazing! My lungs have adjusted, I feel strong, I FEEL GOOD! I feel a giant smile coming up from the inside! Aaaannnnd 'STOP'!
I have to get a picture, it is so beautiful! I am SO HAPPY! Why did I wait so long to do this again? I can't wait to do it again! I <3 To Run is so right when they say, 'lace up....you're only one run away from a good mood!'
Driving home......I want to RUN! MORE! :D
Here I am. I'm out of the car and bouncing and bending. What am I doing here? I'm scared, I haven't run in forEVERRR! what? 2 weeks? SOOOOO! You GET to do this, you don't have to! SOOOO, if you have to stop, STOP! SOOOO, this is for YOU! GET OVER IT! Why wouldn't you be able to do it anyway? Just slow down or even walk if you need to. Your leg is feeling stronger and you were about ready to burst into spontaneous exercise last night from all the crap food and couch vegging out. Your body needs this, your body WANTS this! CRAP! Did I really just push that start button on my Garmin?! HERE WE GO!
Oh my gosh! I feel friggin' wonderful! This feels soooooo good! NO GREAT!! This first half mile feels good, I feel strong, I AM strong. Hmmm....what's that? It's okay, just a little winded from letting yourself get a little out of shape, just gotta build that stamina up again, slowly. Deep and slow inhale, slow and longer exhale....repeat.....okay....here we go, slow down a little and get back into the swing of things. Let's go out onto the road and see if we can get the miles up to a full 5k. People are being so nice and giving me plenty of room on the road...'Thank you!' Wave and smiling at everyone each time. Nice lady, nice smile back. Coming back around and turning off road and back into the trail area. Hmmmm, I was hoping to have gotten a couple miles in by here, but I feel way to good and know myself to think I've gotten in two miles yet, okay let's check, don't look at pace, just check distance for placement and to calculate and plan the rest of the route, okay and.....1.22, that sounded about right haha. Well I'll do one of the loops back behind the Colts building then, that should be about enough. Yikes! okay didn't see him coming, was just passed by a 'jogger/runner' that looks like he's not even trying. He sure makes it look easy, it feels easy sometimes for me today too. Look at your shadow, not too bad, but it does look less like a Gazelle than I'd hoped. '......yaa-ayyy yaaa-ay yay....that's when we aaaalll win.....' 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30........I LOVE THIS SONG! .....45, 46, 47........89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5......I need to take this back loop out to about 2.1, that gives me the extra .6 when I loop back the extra .3 or so, and then it will be a full 5k. Nice, I like this tiny gravel stuff, a little damp still, springy, nice. Aaaand turning around......HI, nice man, walker. .....57, 58, 59......What a pretty dog that couple has, HI. Smiling. I am feeling the leg now, and dragging this extra baggage is starting to wear on my last nerve now. Okay, so remember this will ya'? What a difference 6 pounds can make. But at least it is only more like an irritating kind of painful than it was previously with the painful kind of painful. Wow! my car surrrrre looks small from here. About three quarters of a mile out now. You got this! .....19, 20, 21......HEEEY YAAY AAAY YAAAY YAA-AY! I hope I don't bother anyone with my singing heh heh, but I don't really care, love singing this song! 52, 53, 54, 55....I know I have only about another 500 steps to go. Index finger out! ONE! 400 more...I feel my leg pain, and the extra weight makes these gradual slight inclines feel like magnets pulling my feet to the pavement, I'm fighting a battle every time I lift my feet. Oh no, Seriously? At only about a quarter mile left? You need to throw up now?! Fine, go ahead, but, I'M NOT STOPPING! You'll probably even feel better if you do, but I'M NOT STOPPING UNTIL I HIT 3.1! Hmm....that passed, thank goodness but even after that I still feel amazing! My lungs have adjusted, I feel strong, I FEEL GOOD! I feel a giant smile coming up from the inside! Aaaannnnd 'STOP'!
I have to get a picture, it is so beautiful! I am SO HAPPY! Why did I wait so long to do this again? I can't wait to do it again! I <3 To Run is so right when they say, 'lace up....you're only one run away from a good mood!'
Driving home......I want to RUN! MORE! :D
Friday, December 16, 2011
Take Weight Out Of The Equation...
I was having such a great time training for my very first half marathon over this past Spring and Summer. I did intentionally count calories and lose weight prior to this training, but once I started adding on the miles, I became more concerned with feeling well on my runs. There were times that were so tough and I just didn't know if I could make it. A couple of times I didn't and you know what? The world did not end?! How about that? I just continued to do my best and learn from my experiences. It always felt so great when I did complete my goals though, that was a terrific incentive for keeping me coming back! The support of great friends in a running group really helped too. I had previously been doing all my training by myself, but had heard it could be helpful to join a local running group. It has been tremendously helpful! In times when my motivation was lacking, it helped knowing I would be seeing friends there and we could compare notes and catch up. I was among the slowest in the group, but I was steady and consistent.
I knew my speed and strength would increase once I lost more weight and after completing my first half marathon, I thought I'd do just that, lose weight! That simple! HAH! Not! I remained a steady weight plus or minus 5 lbs over the whole summer by not worrying about my weight, but once I hit the gym and started thinking I needed to 'deprive' myself, not only did I gain weight, but my entire mentality changed. I became rebellious with my eating, and between the and injury and the cold weather, my activity level declined steadily. The pounds started creeping back in, the work became harder...you see where I'm going with this?
I found a great article this morning written by Amy Reinink about disordered eating today which I will be sharing. One of the comments in it rang so true for me with my own personal experience over the last several months. It stated, 'The good news? There is hope. According to Otis, one of the best ways to combat disordered eating in female athletes is to “take weight out of the equation and focus solely on training for a sport.”' This was certainly true for me over the summer and applied right now as well. I did lose weight initially, but needed to move on to something that meant much more to me. Getting out of bed every Saturday morning to meet my new friends and go for the group runs just became a way of life. It wasn't even something I thought about or questioned, it was just something that needed to be done. It really worked for me.
And while I most certainly am not advocating that you go out and buy a box of Hostess Cupcakes and eat them all in one sitting, I am saying that maybe if we lighten up on ourselves a little and do as the article suggests, train with a specific goal in mind, we might not be so rebellious. It is still important to make good choices, try to choose whole foods over processed foods as much as possible, don't try to consume a 2,000 calorie meal three times a day, stuff like that! But it is okay to still have a life and maybe pick one night a week where you allow yourself that one special treat. Knowing it's coming, knowing you are allowed to have it gives you something special to look forward to and should remove the mentality of thinking you're having everything taken away from you.
I knew my speed and strength would increase once I lost more weight and after completing my first half marathon, I thought I'd do just that, lose weight! That simple! HAH! Not! I remained a steady weight plus or minus 5 lbs over the whole summer by not worrying about my weight, but once I hit the gym and started thinking I needed to 'deprive' myself, not only did I gain weight, but my entire mentality changed. I became rebellious with my eating, and between the and injury and the cold weather, my activity level declined steadily. The pounds started creeping back in, the work became harder...you see where I'm going with this?
I found a great article this morning written by Amy Reinink about disordered eating today which I will be sharing. One of the comments in it rang so true for me with my own personal experience over the last several months. It stated, 'The good news? There is hope. According to Otis, one of the best ways to combat disordered eating in female athletes is to “take weight out of the equation and focus solely on training for a sport.”' This was certainly true for me over the summer and applied right now as well. I did lose weight initially, but needed to move on to something that meant much more to me. Getting out of bed every Saturday morning to meet my new friends and go for the group runs just became a way of life. It wasn't even something I thought about or questioned, it was just something that needed to be done. It really worked for me.
And while I most certainly am not advocating that you go out and buy a box of Hostess Cupcakes and eat them all in one sitting, I am saying that maybe if we lighten up on ourselves a little and do as the article suggests, train with a specific goal in mind, we might not be so rebellious. It is still important to make good choices, try to choose whole foods over processed foods as much as possible, don't try to consume a 2,000 calorie meal three times a day, stuff like that! But it is okay to still have a life and maybe pick one night a week where you allow yourself that one special treat. Knowing it's coming, knowing you are allowed to have it gives you something special to look forward to and should remove the mentality of thinking you're having everything taken away from you.
So, I have signed up for the next training series and re-joined my running group for the upcoming year and have registered for a half marathon in May. This is a shorter long term goal for me, but I also need a jolt right now to get me up off my butt and out of my funk. Something I can be proud of and something to spur me onward and upward. I will be running a 5k that I know several of my friends will be running tomorrow morning. I'm not terribly thrilled at the prospect of getting out there early in the dark and cold, but I am thrilled at the idea of having completed it and how awesome I will feel afterward!
As 'I <3 To Run' so succinctly puts it, 'Lace up...You're only one run away from a good mood.'
Disordered Eating article link: http://www.womensrunning.com/articles/140-disordered-eating
Monday, December 12, 2011
Get up.....RIGHT NOW!.......DOOOOOO IT!
....but I'm comfortable, it's cold, I don't feel like it, it's hard, I don't want to, why bother, what difference will it make?
I think of Abby from 'The Biggest Loser' Season 8. She was in a wonderful marriage, had a beautiful little girl, and a brand new 2 week old baby boy. In the blink of an eye, her husband, daughter and baby boy were taken from her in an automobile crash. Her entire world as she knew it had changed in an instant. How heartbreaking and horrifying! But this wonderful and beautiful gal knew she had to find a reason to get out of bed each and every day after this. She had to justify to herself why she was still here, there had to be a reason. She wouldn't waste this life. So she continued to get up everyday, one day at a time, one step at a time. I can't even imagine doing this, the pain would be so overwhelming, I think I might just curl up and die. But Abby continued each day. She eventually became a contestant on The Biggest Loser where she worked hard, but found additionally a lot of love and support. After the show, she continued to pay it forward and shares her experience with others. She is now engaged again and continues to give back everyday of her life. What an amazing woman!
I don't like to take away from my own or anyone else's pain. The pain we each feel may not be as tragic as Abby's above, but it is real to us. And we each have our own obstacles to overcome. But, I look at her and ask myself, 'If she was able to get herself up each day after such an unbelievable loss, couldn't I get up as well? Couldn't I face a little challenge? And be grateful I don't have this heartwrenching ache in the pit of my gut?' What an inspiration she is!
DONE! Today's goal 20 minutes on the Elliptical at the highest resistance, go for a 400 calorie burn. At about the 300 calorie burn mark I started getting barfy, uck! My muscles were burning in my thighs, and I was feeling beat-up. Wow! I've gotten so out of shape with this injury....WAIT A MINUTE!! Could I even do this last year at this time?! Don't beat yourself up people, don't compare yourself to others, just do what you can do! Set a goal, then once you meet it, see if you can add just a little bit more before stopping for the day. I am a step counter, 1 to 100 and then restart. I've gotten pretty good at equating distances and counts. So when you're walking, see if you can add maybe 10 more steps, or if doing weights, see if you can add just 1 more rep, etc. You get the idea. Today, I pushed through the nausea, but lowered my speed just a tad, I got to my 400 calorie burn at 19 minutes and decided to go at least 1 more minute on a low resistance for a cool down period, I did this for another 2 minutes and was able to get rid of the burning and the nausea. The calf felt great today using the Elliptical instead of running, so this is a very doable option while I'm on the mend and taking is easier on my running.
A Few Last Notes:
- You only need to get up and moving to get that physiology in motion and keep it going
- It sets a pattern for the rest of the day
- You will be burning calories and building strength regardless of what you think
- Even if you don't see it on the scale, maybe even see a gain, your health WILL benefit from moving your body
- YOU WILL FEEL GOOD ABOUT YOURSELF!! Every time you beat one of your challenges, a personal hurdle, you will feel more confident, you will be stronger and braver about moving to the next one. Before you know it you will be asking, 'Okay! What's next? Whaddya got?!'
I think of Abby from 'The Biggest Loser' Season 8. She was in a wonderful marriage, had a beautiful little girl, and a brand new 2 week old baby boy. In the blink of an eye, her husband, daughter and baby boy were taken from her in an automobile crash. Her entire world as she knew it had changed in an instant. How heartbreaking and horrifying! But this wonderful and beautiful gal knew she had to find a reason to get out of bed each and every day after this. She had to justify to herself why she was still here, there had to be a reason. She wouldn't waste this life. So she continued to get up everyday, one day at a time, one step at a time. I can't even imagine doing this, the pain would be so overwhelming, I think I might just curl up and die. But Abby continued each day. She eventually became a contestant on The Biggest Loser where she worked hard, but found additionally a lot of love and support. After the show, she continued to pay it forward and shares her experience with others. She is now engaged again and continues to give back everyday of her life. What an amazing woman!
I don't like to take away from my own or anyone else's pain. The pain we each feel may not be as tragic as Abby's above, but it is real to us. And we each have our own obstacles to overcome. But, I look at her and ask myself, 'If she was able to get herself up each day after such an unbelievable loss, couldn't I get up as well? Couldn't I face a little challenge? And be grateful I don't have this heartwrenching ache in the pit of my gut?' What an inspiration she is!
DONE! Today's goal 20 minutes on the Elliptical at the highest resistance, go for a 400 calorie burn. At about the 300 calorie burn mark I started getting barfy, uck! My muscles were burning in my thighs, and I was feeling beat-up. Wow! I've gotten so out of shape with this injury....WAIT A MINUTE!! Could I even do this last year at this time?! Don't beat yourself up people, don't compare yourself to others, just do what you can do! Set a goal, then once you meet it, see if you can add just a little bit more before stopping for the day. I am a step counter, 1 to 100 and then restart. I've gotten pretty good at equating distances and counts. So when you're walking, see if you can add maybe 10 more steps, or if doing weights, see if you can add just 1 more rep, etc. You get the idea. Today, I pushed through the nausea, but lowered my speed just a tad, I got to my 400 calorie burn at 19 minutes and decided to go at least 1 more minute on a low resistance for a cool down period, I did this for another 2 minutes and was able to get rid of the burning and the nausea. The calf felt great today using the Elliptical instead of running, so this is a very doable option while I'm on the mend and taking is easier on my running.
A Few Last Notes:
- A large part of my motivation today was this very blog, which is why I started it, for myself and others. I want to encourage each of you to just try, don't give up on yourselves, YOU have to believe in yourself! Before looking at me or at anyone else and saying the 'yeah buts...', 'yeah, but, you're a runner', 'yeah but I weigh a LOT more than you', etc, It is important that you NEVER compare yourself to anyone else! GOT IT?! I am not kidding, do not even allow it to creep in there. I guarantee you that you yourself have a gift that they don't have, so don't lose sleep over that.
- Get your butt to your Doctor before you start anything EVER! NO JOKE! Really do this, it also helps eliminate excuses if you try to say, I can't....my health won't allow it! Are you kidding?! Your health is BEGGING for it!
- I've read alot and searched for things that can motivate me personally. What works for one, may not work for another. I have purged more self-help than I kept and it is important not to get so caught up in everyone else's advice that you get overwhelmed by the conflicting information. Find what works for you, then purge the rest! Even if it is only one sentence that you take away from an entire book. If it works for you, Keep It! Forget the rest and move on.
- Just get out there and take baby bites out of your big goal. I've read (and this worked for me, but maybe not for you), it is good to set at least one short term smaller goal and one larger long term goal. I find that I do much better if I have a goal (i.e. race) that I'm working specifically toward and training for.
- Whatever you decide works best for you, just stick with it. If you hate it, find something else, but don't quit, just keep moving forward. Set that short term goal today, a five minute walk, then try to add 10 more steps. If that feels good maybe 10 more. Throw on the IPOD with some of your favorite books, songs, whatever keeps your interest. This is YOU time! Make it fun!
- Don't let someone else discourage you. Alot of people will try to tell you what you should be doing. I was told I would need to get out of my comfort zone, work on speed training, do this, do that. I kept doing what I was doing and it worked for me. Then I began reading and finding out I was doing everything exactly right! What people don't realize is that at a heavier weight, EVERYTHING is out of my comfort zone, everything is a push and a struggle, everything is a hard workout! I won't allow that to be taken from me, and I am very proud! Don't let someone even 10 years younger try to tell you what to do, if you're a woman, a man can't tell you about your physiology (unless he is a trained professional, but even then.....lol). I am a 51 year old 190+ pound (who had gotten to almost 250 lbs at one point) peri-menopausal woman! I don't need to compare myself to or even try to keep up with a 25 year old male elite runner! Don't you try to either!
- Don't take everything away from yourself all at once! You are setting yourself up to fail! If you think you can't have or do anything fun and that all you ever get to do is work out, then that becomes no fun at all. You become angry, sad, wonder how you could have ever let it get this bad, wonder why even bother...etc. Then the rebellion and binging begins. Start small. Just shave 500 calories a day, this is 1 lb a week. Yes I know, weeks to lose a lb or 2 and 5 minutes to put it all back on. But, just do it anyway. At least you are doing something! And by adding activity to this, you are hedging your bets. I personally had cut out all refined and processed sugar for several months and then all cravings for it went away. Once I started back on it, was I ever in trouble! A little nibble now and then didn't seem to work for me, they were more of a trigger for me. I may be one of those people that just is not able to have the sweet treats. But there are ways around it, healthy ways. More on that at another time.
- Don't weigh youself every day!! Pick one day, preferably in the morning before you eat and after you go to the bathroom. Weigh in the same time and way each time to keep it as consistent as possible. Don't wear clothes, if you do, wear the exact same thing each time!
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Do NOT weigh in EVERY day!!
Well, the scale is up 3 lbs again! I did weigh-in a little earlier today and I know it goes down the later I wait to weigh (fluid loss), but still! Even with being a little naughty yesterday, I maybe consumed enough calories to 'maintain' my current weight, with at maximum, a 1/3 lb gain! There is NO way I managed 10,500 calories OVER my daily maintenance intake! But, now that I've gotten that rant out of my system, nor was there anyway I burned or cut 10,500 calories over the previous 3 days to have lost that 3 lbs! So, holding steady at my 5lb gain since the gym (10 lbs since the summer)! BOO!
People who have never been heavy do not realize the extra struggle that goes into lugging that baggage around with you on a run. I know I can run faster, but my 'reserve calories' are slowing me down. It is harder on my bones, DOES help build my muscles, but I feel sluggish and heavy like I'm waaaay up there running one minute in my mind, but then dragged back to my body to slog along with it until we make it to the finish line! Even a few extra pounds does make a difference and I am really feeling the recent gain on top of my pre-existing excess. I long to be light and free from the burden and pain and just go out and have a fun breezy run. I do even still have portions of my runs that feel this way, but not a lot lately. Leg pain OR weight gain, bad, but BOTH? Miserable!
I will choose 1 day a week to do weigh-ins and I think Saturday morning is a good time to do so. One occasional day of naughty or play does not equal throwing it all away, nor does it truly put the pounds ALL back on. You might see quick good results one day or quick and big bad results another day, but it is important to go by how you feel, how your clothes fit, and your health. I know by a painful sluggish run when it is time for me to REgrab the reins and take control of my rebellious self again. And since I don't have the luxury of good weather on my side at this time, I will need to make healthier food choices and discipline myself to add a little something to my daily routine, treadmill, elliptical, walking the dog, going to the gym, it doesn't matter what as long as I am consistent and just keep moving. One day at a time, one step at a time. I will get there. And by Spring I will be able to reward myself out there on the trails with a lighter stride and hopefully, no more pain!
People who have never been heavy do not realize the extra struggle that goes into lugging that baggage around with you on a run. I know I can run faster, but my 'reserve calories' are slowing me down. It is harder on my bones, DOES help build my muscles, but I feel sluggish and heavy like I'm waaaay up there running one minute in my mind, but then dragged back to my body to slog along with it until we make it to the finish line! Even a few extra pounds does make a difference and I am really feeling the recent gain on top of my pre-existing excess. I long to be light and free from the burden and pain and just go out and have a fun breezy run. I do even still have portions of my runs that feel this way, but not a lot lately. Leg pain OR weight gain, bad, but BOTH? Miserable!
I will choose 1 day a week to do weigh-ins and I think Saturday morning is a good time to do so. One occasional day of naughty or play does not equal throwing it all away, nor does it truly put the pounds ALL back on. You might see quick good results one day or quick and big bad results another day, but it is important to go by how you feel, how your clothes fit, and your health. I know by a painful sluggish run when it is time for me to REgrab the reins and take control of my rebellious self again. And since I don't have the luxury of good weather on my side at this time, I will need to make healthier food choices and discipline myself to add a little something to my daily routine, treadmill, elliptical, walking the dog, going to the gym, it doesn't matter what as long as I am consistent and just keep moving. One day at a time, one step at a time. I will get there. And by Spring I will be able to reward myself out there on the trails with a lighter stride and hopefully, no more pain!
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Christmas Decorating Mom's Today
Today I had a nice surprise and the scale was down another lb, but I think I made up for it today!
I picked up my friend Melissa, who so graciously agreed to help put up Christmas decorations at Mom's with me today. We got the tree up and decorated, miscellaneous goodies all over the house put up and around and then headed outside to put the lights up on the bushes. It really looks good! Mom is coming home from the hospital tomorrow after hip surgery and will be so surprised! She wasn't planning on putting up the decorations this year thinking it might be a bit much after the surgery, but she is doing great and will be very pleased! We even cleaned up after ourselves and vacuumed the loose pine needles when we were done. Coming home to a clean and decorated home will be such a nice bonus for her, I can't wait to see her face!
We still had a few errands to run before heading up to the hospital to surprise Mom with a visit, but we were getting pretty hungy, sooooo.....off to MCL with us! Melissa orders...get this....are you ready....a salad and beets, custard for dessert and ice water to drink! AT MCL! HMMMMMPH! I on the other hand did it right! I got turkey and gravy, dressing (about 3 times a serving size!) and gravy, mashed potatoes and gravy....(noticing a pattern here?), green beans (I don't think they were the steamed kind either!), a salad WITH cheese, slathered in ranch dressing, OH and a tomatoe wedge, and a big slice of pumpkin pie! I ate EVERY SINGLE BITE! and was miserable! but it was so so so so good!
After our feast we headed out to finish our errands and then visit Mom. She was so happy to see us and very ready to come home and see her cat tomorrow. We almost slipped about a dozen times about the decorations, but managed to get away from there with the secret still in tow. Yay for us!
Most of my more conscientious friends were off doing Christmas runs of some sort today, but not me....no....I snarfed out at MCL! I am truly hoping I don't pay for this tomorrow, but it was a fun and productive day today just the same. And I plan on having a lazy and relaxing evening at home tonight, maybe even have a few Select 55's! ;)
I picked up my friend Melissa, who so graciously agreed to help put up Christmas decorations at Mom's with me today. We got the tree up and decorated, miscellaneous goodies all over the house put up and around and then headed outside to put the lights up on the bushes. It really looks good! Mom is coming home from the hospital tomorrow after hip surgery and will be so surprised! She wasn't planning on putting up the decorations this year thinking it might be a bit much after the surgery, but she is doing great and will be very pleased! We even cleaned up after ourselves and vacuumed the loose pine needles when we were done. Coming home to a clean and decorated home will be such a nice bonus for her, I can't wait to see her face!
We still had a few errands to run before heading up to the hospital to surprise Mom with a visit, but we were getting pretty hungy, sooooo.....off to MCL with us! Melissa orders...get this....are you ready....a salad and beets, custard for dessert and ice water to drink! AT MCL! HMMMMMPH! I on the other hand did it right! I got turkey and gravy, dressing (about 3 times a serving size!) and gravy, mashed potatoes and gravy....(noticing a pattern here?), green beans (I don't think they were the steamed kind either!), a salad WITH cheese, slathered in ranch dressing, OH and a tomatoe wedge, and a big slice of pumpkin pie! I ate EVERY SINGLE BITE! and was miserable! but it was so so so so good!
After our feast we headed out to finish our errands and then visit Mom. She was so happy to see us and very ready to come home and see her cat tomorrow. We almost slipped about a dozen times about the decorations, but managed to get away from there with the secret still in tow. Yay for us!
Most of my more conscientious friends were off doing Christmas runs of some sort today, but not me....no....I snarfed out at MCL! I am truly hoping I don't pay for this tomorrow, but it was a fun and productive day today just the same. And I plan on having a lazy and relaxing evening at home tonight, maybe even have a few Select 55's! ;)
Friday, December 9, 2011
December 9th 2011 and I am just finally getting used to the idea that summer is over. No more 9 p.m. excursions to the park for photo shoots or walks or runs or even just to go watch a sunset. It's dark here before 6 p.m. now and it's cold! It's not so bad when the sun is shining, even if it only makes an appearance for a brief moment on these short days, but when it is gray and oppresive along with the cold and shortness of the day, well, let's just say....the transition has been most difficult for me this year!
So, I thought I'd try to start working on some speedwork at the gym over the next couple of months since I wouldn't be getting out to the park as often for my longer slower runs. Do some weight lifting, strengthen that core. I gave up a day at work and started out faithfully with the plan to do Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at the very least. I was feeling great on the weights, but still having some issues with my right ankle/calf/knee. I did start out with my speed training and was doing pretty well, but having a difficult time making peace with the boredom of the treadmill and the pain in my right leg. I got outside to run a couple of times and this felt soooo much better, more to my taste. I decided to sign up for our mini marathon (13.1) in May and my local running group's training program. This begins in January on Tuesday evenings. I trained with them for my last half marathon and was very disciplined about making my runs. I had even done a couple of 12 mile runs, non-stop. Come time for the actual race itself, my leg was bothering me so much, I didn't get past 7 straight miles of running and walked about 5 miles of it. I was disappointed, but I did still complete it. My goal is to complete the May half marathon running the whole way. This means I will need to SUCK IT UP! and get over this whole cold thing, perhaps even see a specialist about my leg since it really does seem to be impeding my training and I don't want to do more damage.
Going to the gym and losing weight will make me stronger and make running less hard on my body. I had given running a shot a couple years ago, got in a couple of 5k races, but wasn't consistent with my training and was very sporadic with my runs, so it pretty much fizzled out until about February of this year. I began training for a 5k. I had signed up for a Warrior Dash in June with a couple of friends I had met online. Flying to PA and meeting new friends, competing in a muddy difficult obstacle course combined with a race, now THAT was an incentive for me to train and lose weight. I worked from February until June and had lost close to 40 lbs and was able to complete a 10k distance. It wasn't pretty, but it was complete!
The time came, I flew out, met my friends and had an unbelievably fun experience! So much so, that we are doing the one in Indiana in August of 2012!
So, my first year of running begins. Over the summer of 2011 I completed a Warrior Dash, 3 brutal Tuesday night trail runs, my first Triathlon, and the Indianapolis Monumental Half Marathon! Not Bad!! I am quite proud of my accomplishments! So it is very important to me NOT to let that girl down, the girl who fought so fiercly to complete each task like her very life depended on it, to never give up!
In June, my weight loss came to a screeching halt as I began training for my various races. I was more concerned with keeping the calories coming to keep myself fueled and to keep going. I held pretty steady within about a 5 lb range. After about 3 weeks at the gym, I had gained an additional 5 lbs (from the +5 point before) and was becoming extremely frustrated, as I started watching calories and trying to lower my intake and make better choices, I became rebellious and found I continued to pack it on?! The scales were back down a couple lbs finally today. But between the leg pain, the cold short days, and the weight gain, I was becoming so frustrated and afraid of becoming derailed. I COULD NOT let that happen!
This will be my Blog about my journey, my training, my weight challenges, my pain, my struggles, my successes, my life! I've decided to do this as a personal tool for myself and for others that may be facing similar challenges. If I'm able to help inspire even just one other person out there who believes they are all alone, just by letting them know they are not, then this will be more than worth it! I welcome helpful input from you and look forward to you sharing your personal experiences and challenges, and what you may have done to beat them.
So, I thought I'd try to start working on some speedwork at the gym over the next couple of months since I wouldn't be getting out to the park as often for my longer slower runs. Do some weight lifting, strengthen that core. I gave up a day at work and started out faithfully with the plan to do Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at the very least. I was feeling great on the weights, but still having some issues with my right ankle/calf/knee. I did start out with my speed training and was doing pretty well, but having a difficult time making peace with the boredom of the treadmill and the pain in my right leg. I got outside to run a couple of times and this felt soooo much better, more to my taste. I decided to sign up for our mini marathon (13.1) in May and my local running group's training program. This begins in January on Tuesday evenings. I trained with them for my last half marathon and was very disciplined about making my runs. I had even done a couple of 12 mile runs, non-stop. Come time for the actual race itself, my leg was bothering me so much, I didn't get past 7 straight miles of running and walked about 5 miles of it. I was disappointed, but I did still complete it. My goal is to complete the May half marathon running the whole way. This means I will need to SUCK IT UP! and get over this whole cold thing, perhaps even see a specialist about my leg since it really does seem to be impeding my training and I don't want to do more damage.
Going to the gym and losing weight will make me stronger and make running less hard on my body. I had given running a shot a couple years ago, got in a couple of 5k races, but wasn't consistent with my training and was very sporadic with my runs, so it pretty much fizzled out until about February of this year. I began training for a 5k. I had signed up for a Warrior Dash in June with a couple of friends I had met online. Flying to PA and meeting new friends, competing in a muddy difficult obstacle course combined with a race, now THAT was an incentive for me to train and lose weight. I worked from February until June and had lost close to 40 lbs and was able to complete a 10k distance. It wasn't pretty, but it was complete!
The time came, I flew out, met my friends and had an unbelievably fun experience! So much so, that we are doing the one in Indiana in August of 2012!
So, my first year of running begins. Over the summer of 2011 I completed a Warrior Dash, 3 brutal Tuesday night trail runs, my first Triathlon, and the Indianapolis Monumental Half Marathon! Not Bad!! I am quite proud of my accomplishments! So it is very important to me NOT to let that girl down, the girl who fought so fiercly to complete each task like her very life depended on it, to never give up!
In June, my weight loss came to a screeching halt as I began training for my various races. I was more concerned with keeping the calories coming to keep myself fueled and to keep going. I held pretty steady within about a 5 lb range. After about 3 weeks at the gym, I had gained an additional 5 lbs (from the +5 point before) and was becoming extremely frustrated, as I started watching calories and trying to lower my intake and make better choices, I became rebellious and found I continued to pack it on?! The scales were back down a couple lbs finally today. But between the leg pain, the cold short days, and the weight gain, I was becoming so frustrated and afraid of becoming derailed. I COULD NOT let that happen!
This will be my Blog about my journey, my training, my weight challenges, my pain, my struggles, my successes, my life! I've decided to do this as a personal tool for myself and for others that may be facing similar challenges. If I'm able to help inspire even just one other person out there who believes they are all alone, just by letting them know they are not, then this will be more than worth it! I welcome helpful input from you and look forward to you sharing your personal experiences and challenges, and what you may have done to beat them.
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